نموذج اتفاق خيارات الأسهم
2018 خطة الحوافز.
اتفاقية خيار الأسهم.
ما لم ينص على خلاف ذلك هنا، فإن المصطلحات المرسملة يكون لها المعنى المنصوص عليه في خطة حوافز الأسهم لشركة ووردلوجيك كوربوراتيون 2018 ("الخطة & كوت؛").
1. إشعار من الأسهم الخيار منحة.
لقد تم منحك خيار شراء الأسهم المشتركة، وفقا لشروط وأحكام الخطة واتفاقية الخيار هذه، على النحو التالي:
اسم أوبتيوني:
إجمالي عدد األسهم الممنوحة:
o غير الأسهم الأسهم الخيار.
س الحوافز الأسهم الخيار.
سعر التمارين للسهم:
تاريخ بدء التسجيل:
ويمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار، كليا أو جزئيا، وفقا للجدول الزمني التالي:
[___] يجب أن تكون النسبة المئوية للأسهم الخاضعة لهذا الخيار [__] شهرا بعد تاريخ بدء الاستحقاق، و [__]٪ من الأسهم الخاضعة للخيار تستحق كل [سنة / ربع / شهر] بعد ذلك، أوبتيوني الاستمرار في أن يكون مزود الخدمة في هذه التواريخ.
ويمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار لمدة ثلاثة أشهر بعد تاريخ انتهاء الخدمة، باستثناء أنه إذا كان سبب انتهاء خدمة الخبير لهذا السبب، ينتهي هذا الخيار في تاريخ الإنهاء. عند وفاة أو تعطيل الخيار، يمكن أن يمارس هذا الخيار لمدة 12 شهرا بعد تاريخ إنهاء الخيار. وترد فترات الإنهاء الخاصة في الأقسام 2-3 (باء) و 2.9 و 2.10 أدناه. لا يجوز في أي حال من الأحوال ممارسة هذا الخيار في وقت لاحق من مدة الجائزة / تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المنصوص عليها أدناه.
مدة الجائزة / تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية:
2.1 منح الخيار. يمنح مدير البرنامج بموجب ذلك الخيار الذي تم تحديده في إشعار منحة خيار الأسهم المرفق في الجزء الأول من اتفاقية الخيار هذه (الخيار & كوت؛ أوبتيوني & كوت؛) (الخيار & كوت؛ الخيار & كوت؛) لشراء عدد الأسهم، على النحو المبين في إخطار منحة خيار الأسهم، بسعر الممارسة للسهم الواحد المنصوص عليه في إشعار منحة الأسهم الخيار (& كوت؛ سعر ممارسة & كوت؛)، مع مراعاة أحكام وشروط هذه الاتفاقية الخيار والخطة. ويهدف هذا الخيار إلى أن يكون خيارا غير مستقر للأوراق المالية (& كوت؛ نسو & كوت؛) أو خيار أسهم الحوافز (& كوت؛ إسو & كوت؛)، كما هو منصوص عليه في إشعار منح خيارات الأسهم.
2.2 ممارسة الخيار.
(A) الانتصاف / الحق في ممارسة الرياضة. يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار خلال فترة ولايته وفقا لجدول الاستحقاق المنصوص عليه في القسم 1 والأحكام المطبقة من اتفاقية الخيار هذه والخطة. في أي حال من الأحوال سوف يصبح هذا الخيار ممارسة لأسهم إضافية بعد إنهاء الخدمة لأي سبب من الأسباب. على الرغم مما سبق، يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للممارسة بالكامل إذا كانت الشركة خاضعة لتغيير في السيطرة قبل انتهاء خدمة الخبير، وفي غضون 12 شهرا بعد تغيير السيطرة يخضع الخيار إلى إنهاء الخدمة نتيجة لما يلي: (i ) أو إفراغ أوبتيوني من قبل الشركة (أو الشريك التابع له) لأسباب أخرى غير السبب (المحدد أدناه)، الوفاة أو العجز؛ أو (2) استقالة أوبتيونى لسبب وجيه (المحدد أدناه). وقد يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للممارسة وفقا للقسم 2-11 أدناه.
المصطلح & كوت؛ السبب & كوت؛ (1) سرقة أوبتيوني أو خيانة الأمانة أو تزوير أي وثائق أو سجلات للشركة أو أي شركة تابعة لها؛ (2) استخدام أوبتيوني غير السليم أو الكشف عن المعلومات السرية أو الملكية للشركة أو أي شركة تابعة ينتج عنها أو سيؤدي إلى إلحاق ضرر مادي بالشركة أو أي شركة تابعة لها؛ (3) أي إجراء من جانب أوبتيوني الذي له تأثير ضار على سمعة الشركة أو نشاطها أو أي شركة تابعة لها؛ (4) إخفاق أوبتيوني أو عدم قدرته على أداء أي مهام محددة معقولة بعد إشعار خطي من الشركة أو أحد الشركاء، وفرصة معقولة لعلاج هذا الفشل أو عدم القدرة. (5) أي خرق جوهري من قبل أوبتيوني لأي اتفاق عمل أو خدمة بين أوبتيون والشركة أو أحد المنتسبين، والذي لا يتم الشفاء منه الخرق وفقا لشروط هذا الاتفاق. (6) إدانة أوبتيوني (بما في ذلك أي ادعاء بالذنب أو نولو كونتندير) عن أي فعل إجرامي يعرقل قدرة أوبتيوني على أداء واجباته مع الشركة أو الشركة التابعة لها؛ أو (7) مخالفة سياسة الشركة المادية. المصطلح & كوت؛ سبب وجيه & كوت؛ (أ) حدوث تغيير سلبي جوهري في عنوان أو مكانة أو سلطة أو مسؤوليات أوبتيوني مع الشركة (أو الشريك التابع له). (ب) تخفيض مادي في المرتب الأساسي لمبادرة أوبتيوني أو فرصة المكافأة السنوية؛ أو (ج) استلام إشعار بأن مكان عمل أوبتيوني الرئيسي سوف يتم نقله بأكثر من 50 ميلا.
(ب) طريقة التمرين. يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار من خلال تسليمه إلى مدير البرنامج & كوت؛ إشعار التمارين & كوت؛ أو بأي طريقة أخرى يوافق عليها مدير البرنامج. يجب أن ينص إشعار التمارين على أن ينتخب الخبير ممارسة الخيار، وعدد الأسهم التي يمارس الخيار بشأنها ("الأسهم الممولة & كوت؛")، وغيرها من الإقرارات والاتفاقات التي قد يطلبها المسؤول . دفع إجمالي سعر التمارين الرياضية لجميع الأسهم ممارسة يجب أن تصاحب إشعار ممارسة. ويعتبر هذا الخيار ممارسة عند استلام مدير البرنامج لإشعار التمارين المنفذة تنفيذا تاما، ويرافقه سعر التمرين الإجمالي. ويكون أوبتيوني مسؤولا عن تقديم أي تقارير عن التحويلات أو غيرها من عمليات إيداع العملات الأجنبية المطلوبة لدفع ثمن التمرين.
2.3 الحد من ممارسة الرياضة.
(أ) تخضع منح هذا الخيار وإصدار الأسهم عند ممارسة هذا الخيار للامتثال لجميع القوانين المعمول بها. ال يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار إذا كان إصدار األسهم عند ممارسته يشكل انتهاكا ألي قوانين معمول بها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لا يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار إلا إذا كان (1) بيان تسجيل بموجب قانون الأوراق المالية لعام 1933 وتعديلاته (قانون & كوت؛ قانون الأوراق المالية & كوت؛) ساري المفعول وقت ممارسة هذا الخيار فيما يتعلق بالأسهم. أو (2) في رأي المستشار القانوني للشركة، يجوز إصدار الأسهم القيمة عند ممارسة هذا الخيار وفقا لشروط الإعفاء المطبق من متطلبات التسجيل في قانون الأوراق المالية. ويحذر أوبتيوني من أنه ما لم يتم الوفاء بالشروط السابقة، قد لا يكون الخيار قادرا على ممارسة الخيار عند الرغبة في ذلك على الرغم من أن الخيار مكرس. وكشرط آخر لممارسة هذا الخيار، يجوز للشركة أن تطلب من أوبتيون أن يستوفي أي مؤهلات قد تكون ضرورية أو مناسبة، لإثبات الامتثال لأي قانون أو لائحة معمول بها، وتقديم أي تعهد أو ضمان فيما يتعلق بها طلب من الشركة. وستكون الأسهم المصدرة هي & كوت؛ الأوراق المالية المقيدة & كوت؛ حيث أن هذا المصطلح معرف في القاعدة 144 بموجب قانون الأوراق المالية، وسوف تحمل أسطورة تقييدية مناسبة، إلا إذا كانت مسجلة بموجب قانون الأوراق المالية. إن الشركة غير ملتزمة بتسجيل األسهم قيمة عند ممارسة هذا الخيار.
(ب) فترة إنهاء خاصة. إذا تم منع ممارسة الخيار في اليوم الأخير من فترة الإنهاء المنصوص عليها في القسم 1 من خلال تشغيل الفقرة (أ) من هذا القسم 2.3، فإن هذا الخيار يظل قابلا للممارسة حتى 14 يوما من التاريخ الأول للفقرة (أ) لم تعد تعمل لمنع ممارسة الخيار.
2.4 طريقة الدفع. دفع إجمالي سعر ممارسة يجب أن يكون بأي من الطرق التالية. شريطة أن يكون الدفع مطابقا تماما لجميع الإجراءات التي يضعها مدير البرنامج:
(ب) شيك أو حوالة مصرفية؛
(ج) رهنا بأية شروط أو قيود يحددها مدير البرنامج، أسهم أخرى لها قيمة سوقية عادلة في تاريخ التسليم أو التصديق مساوية لمجموع سعر التمرين؛
(د) الاعتبار الذي تتلقاه الشركة بموجب برنامج بيع وتحويل بمساعدة الوساطة يقبله مدير البرنامج (لا يجوز للموظفين والمسؤولين استخدام هذا الإجراء إذا كان هذا الإجراء ينتهك المادة 402 من قانون ساربينز أوكسلي لعام 2002، معدل)؛
(ه) رهنا بأي شروط أو قيود يحددها مدير البرنامج، والاحتفاظ بها من قبل الشركة لكثير من الأسهم التي كان من الممكن أن يتم تسليمها عند ممارسة الخيار كما هو الحال مع القيمة السوقية العادلة في تاريخ الممارسة مساويا لمجموع التمرين سعر جميع الأسهم التي يمارس عليها الخيار، شريطة أن يتم تسليم الخيار وإلغائه عن تلك الأسهم؛ أو.
(و) أي مزيج من طرق الدفع السالفة الذكر.
2.5 إجازة غياب. ولا يتقاضى أوبتيوني إنهاء الخدمة عندما يختار الشخص الخاضع للإجازة إجازة غياب بحسن نية، إذا وافقت الشركة (أو الشريك التابع لها) على الإجازة كتابة، وإذا كان استمرار الإعارة للخدمة مطلوب بموجب الشروط من الإجازة أو القانون المعمول به. ويتحمل أوبتيوني إنهاء الخدمة عندما تنتهي الإجازة المعتمدة، إلا إذا عاد المبعوث فورا إلى العمل النشط.
ولأغراض المعايير الدولية للتوحيد القياسي، لا يجوز أن تتجاوز إجازة الغياب ثلاثة أشهر، ما لم ينص القانون أو العقد على الحق في إعادة العمل عند انتهاء هذه الإجازة. وإذا لم يكن الحق في إعادة التوظيف منصوصا عليه في النظام الأساسي أو العقد، فسيعتبر الخبير أنه قد تكبد إنهاء الخدمة في اليوم الأول الذي يلي مباشرة فترة الإجازة لمدة ثلاثة أشهر لأغراض المنظمة الدولية للتوحيد القياسي، ويتوقف هذا الخيار عن معاملته باعتبارها إسو وتنتهي عند انقضاء فترة الثلاثة أشهر التي تبدأ في تاريخ انتهاء علاقة العمل.
2.6 عدم إمكانية نقل الخيار. ولا يجوز نقل هذا الخيار بأي طريقة أخرى غير الإرادة أو بقوانين النسب والتوزيع، ولا يجوز ممارسته إلا خلال فترة عمره من قبل شخص الخيار. يجب أن تكون شروط هذا الاتفاق والخطة ملزمة للجهات المنفذة والإدارية والورثة والخلفاء والمتنازلين. لا يجوز تعيين الخيار أو التعهد به أو افتراضه من قبل أوبتيوني سواء عن طريق تطبيق القانون أو غير ذلك، ولا يخضع للتنفيذ أو الحجز أو أي عملية مماثلة. وعلى الرغم مما سبق ذكره، إذا كان هذا الخيار مخصصا كخيار غير قانوني، يجوز لمدير البرنامج، وفقا لتقديره الخاص، أن يسمح للخيار أوبتيون بنقل هذا الخيار كهدية إلى فرد أو أكثر من أفراد الأسرة. لأغراض اتفاقية الخيار هذه، & كوت؛ عضو العائلة & كوت؛ يعني طفل، زوجة، حفيد، والدة، ستيبارنت، جد، زوج، زوج سابق، شقيق، ابنة، ابن أخ، زوجة، زوجة، صهر، زوجة، أخ (بما في ذلك علاقات التبني)، أي فرد يتقاسم أسرة أوبتيوني (بخلاف المستأجر أو الموظف)، أو الثقة التي يكون لدى واحد أو أكثر من هؤلاء الأفراد أكثر من 50٪ من المستفيدين منها وهي مؤسسة يقوم فيها أوبتيوني أو واحد أو أكثر من هؤلاء الأشخاص بمراقبة إدارة الأصول وأي كيان يمتلك فيه الخيار أو واحد أو أكثر من هؤلاء الأشخاص أكثر من 50 في المائة من مصلحة التصويت. وعلى الرغم مما تقدم، لا يجوز نقل هذا الخيار في أي فترة خلاف ولاية كاليفورنيا، بأي طريقة أخرى غير الإرادة، بقوانين النسب والتوزيع، أو إذا تم تعيينه كخيار غير مستقر، على النحو الذي تسمح به القاعدة 701 من قانون الأوراق المالية لعام 1933، بصيغته المعدلة، حسبما يقرره مدير البرنامج وفقا لتقديره الخاص.
2-7 مدة الخيار. ولا يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار إلا في غضون المدة المنصوص عليها في منحة خيار منح الأسهم، ويمكن ممارسته خلال هذه المدة فقط وفقا لاتفاقية الخيار هذه والخطة.
2.8 الالتزامات الضريبية.
(أ) الضرائب المقتطعة. يقوم أوبتيوني باتخاذ الترتيبات المناسبة مع مدير البرنامج بما يرضي جميع الضرائب المفروضة على الدخل الفيدرالي والولائي والمحلي والأجنبي، وضريبة العمالة، وأي ضرائب أخرى مستحقة نتيجة لعملية الاختيار. وبموافقة مدير البرنامج، يمكن أن تشمل هذه الترتيبات حجب الأسهم التي ستصدر خلاف ذلك للمختار وفقا لممارسة هذا الخيار. ويجوز للشركة أن ترفض االحتفاظ بهذه العملية وترفض تسليم األسهم إذا لم يتم تسليم مبالغ االستقطاع هذه عند ممارسة التمارين.
(ب) إشعار بعدم استبعاد أسهم إسو. إذا كان الخيار هو إسو، وإذا كان أوبتيوني يبيع أو يتصرف بأي شكل من الأشكال في أي من الأسهم التي تم الحصول عليها وفقا لممارسة المنظمة الدولية للتوحيد القياسي في أو قبل (1) التاريخ بعد سنتين من تاريخ المنحة، أو (2) وهو التاريخ الذي يلي سنة واحدة من تاريخ ممارسة التمارين، يخطر أوبتيون فورا مدير البرنامج كتابة بهذا التصرف. يجوز أن يخضع أوبتيوني لحجز ضريبة الدخل من قبل الشركة على دخل التعويض المعترف به من قبل الخيار.
2.9 فترة الإنهاء الخاصة إذا كان الشخص المعني خاضعا للمادة 16 (ب). إذا كان البيع ضمن فترة الإنهاء المطبقة المنصوص عليها في القسم 1 من الأسهم التي تم الحصول عليها عند ممارسة هذا الخيار سيخضع الخيار الذي يتناسب مع المادة 16 (ب) من قانون الصرف، يظل هذا الخيار قابلا للتطبيق حتى أقرب وقت ممكن (1) اليوم العاشر الذي يلي التاريخ الذي لم يعد فيه بيع هذه الأسهم من قبل الخبير محل هذه الدعوى، (2) اليوم ال 190 بعد انتهاء خدمة الخبير، أو (3) تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
2.10 فترة إنهاء خاصة إذا كان الخبير خاضعا لفترة التعتيم. وقد وضعت الشركة سياسة تداول من الداخل) حيث يمكن تعديل هذه السياسة من وقت آلخر، و "السياسة" (المتعلقة بالتداول في حيازتها لمعلومات جوهرية غير معلنة. وتحظر هذه السياسة على الموظفين والمديرين والموظفين والاستشاريين في الشركة والشركات التابعة لها من التداول في الأوراق المالية للشركة خلال فترة & كوت؛ فترات التعتيم & كوت؛ كما هو موضح في السياسة. إذا كان آخر يوم من فترة الإنهاء المنصوص عليه في القسم 1 خلال فترة التعطيل هذه، يظل هذا الخيار قابلا للتطبيق حتى 14 يوما من التاريخ الأول الذي لم يعد فيه فترة التعطيل سارية المفعول.
2.11 تغيير في التحكم. عند تغيير في السيطرة قبل انتهاء خدمة أوبتيوني، سيتم افتراض الخيار أو خيار معادل أو حق بديل من قبل الشركة الخلف أو أحد الوالدين أو الشركة التابعة للشركة الخلف. إذا رفضت الشركة الخلف افتراض أو استبدال الخيار، ثم مباشرة قبل والشرط في استكمال التغيير في السيطرة، فإن أوبتيوني استحقاق كامل في ولها الحق في ممارسة الخيار. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا أصبح الخيار مكتسبا تماما وممارسا بدلا من الافتراض أو الاستعاضة في حالة حدوث تغيير في المراقبة، يقوم مدير البرنامج بإخطار الخبير كتابة أو إلكترونيا بأن الخيار سيكون مكتملا تماما وممارسا لفترة تحددها مدير البرنامج وفقا لتقديره الخاص، وينتهي الخيار عند انتهاء هذه الفترة.
2.12 القيود المفروضة على إعادة البيع. لا يجوز لل أوبتيوني بيع أي أسهم في الوقت الذي يحظر فيه القانون المطبق أو سياسات الشركة أو الاتفاقية المبرمة بين الشركة وشركات التأمين بيعها. ويسري هذا القيد طالما كان الشخص الذي يقوم بالاخيار هو مقدم خدمة وللمدة التي تلي انتهاء خدمة الخبير حسبما يحدده المسؤول.
2-13 اتفاقية الإقفال. فيما يتعلق بأي اكتتاب عام اكتتاب الأسهم التي تقدمها الشركة وفقا لبيان تسجيل مقدم بموجب قانون الأوراق المالية، لا يجوز لل أوبتيوني تقديم أو بيع أو عقد للبيع أو الرهن أو فرضية أو منح أي خيار لشراء أو إجراء أي بيع قصير (بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال ال الحصر األسهم الخاضعة لهذا الخيار) أو أي حقوق في اكتساب أسهم الشركة للفترة التي تبدأ من تاريخ تقديم بيان التسجيل هذا مع لجنة األوراق المالية والبورصة وإنهاء في الوقت الذي يمكن أن يحدده المكتتبون لهذا الاكتتاب العام؛ على أن تنتهي هذه المدة في موعد أقصاه 180 يوما من التاريخ الفعلي لبيان التسجيل. لا يسري القيد السابق على الأسهم المسجلة للبيع في هذا الاكتتاب العام.
2-14 الاتفاقية الكاملة؛ القانون الذي يحكم . تشكل اتفاقية الخيار والخطة الاتفاقية الكاملة للطرفين فيما يتعلق بموضوع هذا العقد وتلغي بالكامل جميع التعهدات والاتفاقات السابقة للشركة والخيار فيما يتعلق بموضوع هذه الاتفاقية ولا يجوز تعديلها سلبا على مصلحة أوبتيوني إلا من خلال كتابة موقعة من قبل الشركة و أوبتيونى. وتخضع اتفاقية الخيار هذه للقوانين الموضوعية الداخلية، ولكن ليس اختيار قواعد القانون في ولاية نيفادا.
2.15 لا ضمان للخدمة المستمرة. إن الحصول على الخيار وفقا لجدول اإلستحقاق من هذا العقد ال يحصل إال من خالل االستمرار كمقدم خدمة بناء على إرادة الشركة) وليس من خالل العمل الذي يتم التعاقد معه أو منح خيار أو شراء أسهم بموجب هذه الاتفاقية (. إن اتفاقية الخيار هذه والمعاملات المنصوص عليها في هذه الوثيقة وجدول الانهاء المنصوص عليه في هذه الوثيقة لا تشكل وعدا صريحا أو ضمنيا بالاستمرار في المشاركة كمقدم خدمة لفترة الاستحقاق أو لأي فترة أو على الإطلاق ولا يجوز أن تتداخل مع أوبتيون's حق أو حق الشركة في إنهاء علاقة أوبتيوني كمقدم خدمة في أي وقت، مع أو بدون سبب.
من خلال توقيع أوبتيوني وتوقيع ممثل الشركة أدناه، يوافق أوبتيوني والشركة على أن هذا الخيار يمنح بموجب شروط وأحكام اتفاقية الخيار هذه والخطة. وقد استعرضت أوبتيوني اتفاقية الخيار هذه والخطة برمتها، أتيحت لها فرصة الحصول على مشورة المحامي قبل تنفيذ اتفاق الخيار هذا وتفهم تماما جميع أحكام اتفاقية الخيار هذه والخطة. يوافق أوبتيوني بموجبه على قبول جميع قرارات أو تفسيرات مدير البرنامج على أي أسئلة تتعلق باتفاق الخيار والخطة.
كما يوافق أوبتيوني على أنه يجوز للشركة تسليم جميع الوثائق المتعلقة بالخطة أو هذا الخيار (بما في ذلك النشرات التي تطلبها لجنة الأوراق المالية والبورصات)، وجميع الوثائق الأخرى التي يتعين على الشركة تسليمها إلى أصحابها أو من يحترمها (بما في ذلك والتقارير السنوية، وبيانات الوكيل والبيانات المالية)، إما عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني أو إشعار البريد الإلكتروني لموقع موقع على شبكة الإنترنت حيث تم نشر تلك الوثائق. ويجوز لل أوبتيوني في أي وقت (1) إلغاء هذه الموافقة على تسليم تلك الوثائق بالبريد الإلكتروني؛ (2) تحديث عنوان البريد الإلكتروني لتسليم تلك الوثائق؛ (3) الحصول على نسخة ورقية من تلك الوثائق، في كل حالة، عن طريق كتابة الشركة في 1130 ويست بيندر ستريت، سويت 230، فانكوفر، كولومبيا البريطانية، كندا V6E 4A4. ويجوز للطبيب أن يطلب نسخة إلكترونية من أي من تلك الوثائق عن طريق طلب نسخة خطية من الشركة. يفهم أوبتيوني أن هناك حاجة إلى حساب البريد الإلكتروني والأجهزة والبرمجيات المناسبة، بما في ذلك جهاز كمبيوتر أو هاتف محمول متوافق واتصال بالإنترنت، للوصول إلى الوثائق التي يتم تسليمها عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني.
1130 ويست بيندر ستريت، سويت 230.
فانكوفر، كولومبيا البريطانية.
السيدات والسادة:
أنا بموجب هذا الخيار الذي منحت لي في _______________، 2018، من قبل ووردلوجيك كوربوراتيون (و & # 147؛ المؤسسة & # 148؛)، مع مراعاة جميع أحكام وأحكام وخطة الحوافز الأسهم (و & # 147؛ خطة & # 147؛ 148))، وإخطارك برغبتي في شراء ___ أسهم الحوافز و ___ أسهم غير مؤهلة من الأسهم المشتركة للمؤسسة بسعر $ ____ للسهم الواحد وفقا لممارسة هذا الخيار.
نموذج اتفاق خيارات الأسهم
جيلاد سسينسس، إنك.
أ. أوبتيوني هو تقديم خدمات قيمة للمؤسسة (أو كيان ذي صلة)، ويتم تنفيذ هذه الاتفاقية عملا، ويهدف إلى تنفيذ أغراض الخطة فيما يتعلق بمنحة المؤسسة من الخيار أوبتيوني.
ب - يجب أن يكون لكل المصطلحات المرسملة في هذه الاتفاقية المعنى المعين لها في الملحق المرفق.
الآن، وبناء على ذلك، تمنح المؤسسة بموجب هذا الخيار خيار أوبتيوني بناء على الشروط والأحكام التالية:
1. منح الخيار. تمنح المؤسسة بموجب ذلك إلى الشخص المحدد في الجدول الأول المرفق (الخيار & # 147؛ أوبتيوني & # 148؛) لشراء أسهم الأسهم المشتركة بموجب الخطة. تاريخ منح هذا الخيار (& # 147؛ تاريخ المنح & # 148؛)، وعدد أسهم الأسهم المشتركة القابلة للشراء بموجب هذا الخيار (& # 147؛ أسهم الأسهم & # 148؛)، وسعر التمرين المستحق لكل (& # 147؛ إكسيرسيس برايس & # 148؛)، وجدول الاستحقاق الساري المفعول الذي يمنح بموجبه هذا الخيار ويصبح قابلا للممارسة بصورة تدريجية لأسهم الخيار ("& # 147؛" الجدول الزمني للإنهاء & # 148؛) والتاريخ الذي سيتم استخدامه لقياس المدة القصوى لهذا الخيار (يشار إلى & # 147؛ تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية & # 148؛) أيضا في الجدول المرفق الأول بهذه الاتفاقية. والخیار ھو خیار غیر قانوني بموجب قوانین ضریبة الدخل الفدرالیة الأمریکیة. يجب أن تكون البنود والشروط المتبقية التي تحكم هذا الخيار كما هو مبين في هذا الاتفاق.
2. الخيار الخيار. وتبدأ مدة هذا الخيار في تاريخ المنح وستظل سارية المفعول حتى انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المحدد في الجدول المرفق الأول، ما لم يتم إنهاؤه في وقت أقرب وفقا للفقرة 5 أو 6 أدناه.
3. محدودة نقل.
(أ) يمكن تعيين هذا الخيار كليا أو جزئيا خلال حياة أوبتيوني على حياة ليفينغ تروست. لا يجوز ممارسة الجزء المخصص إلا من قبل ليفينغ تروست. وتكون الشروط المنطبقة على الجزء المخصص هي نفس الشروط المعمول بها بالنسبة للخيار قبل هذا الاحالة مباشرة، وتحدد في تلك الوثائق التي ينفذها الخبير والوثيقة الحية حسبما تراه المؤسسة مناسبا.
(ب) باستثناء قابلية النقل المحدودة المنصوص عليها في الفقرة 3 (أ)، لا يكون هذا الخيار قابلا للنقل أو قابلا للتحويل من قبل الخيار إلا بإرادته أو قوانين الميراث بعد وفاة أوبتيوني، ويمكن ممارسته، 146؛ s عمر، فقط بواسطة أوبتيوني. ومع ذلك، يجوز لشركة أوبتيوني تعيين شخص أو أكثر كمستفيد أو مستفيد من هذا الخيار من خلال استكمال استمارة تعيين المستفيدين من المؤسسة وتقديم النموذج المكتمل مع إدارة الموارد البشرية بالمؤسسة. في حالة قيام أوبتيوني بتعبئة نموذج تسمية المستفيد العام ويموت أثناء االحتفاظ بهذا الخيار، يتم نقل هذا الخيار تلقائيا إلى المعين.
المستفيدين أو المستفيدين. يجب على هذا المستفيد أو المستفيدين أن يأخذوا الخيار المحول وفقا لجميع أحكام وشروط هذه الاتفاقية، بما في ذلك (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر) الفترة الزمنية المحدودة التي يجوز خلالها ممارسة هذا الخيار، وفقا للفقرة 5 أدناه، بعد وفاة الخبير .
4. مواعيد التمرين. يجب أن يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ لأسهم الخيار في سلسلة من الأقساط وفقا لجدول الاستحقاق المبين في الجدول الأول المرفق. وعندما يصبح الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ لهذه الأقساط، تتراكم هذه الأقساط، ويظل الخيار قابلة للتطبیق علی الأقساط المتراکمة حتی آخر یوم عمل قبل تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة أو أي إنھاء عاجل لمصطلح الخیار بموجب الفقرة 5 أو 6 أدناه.
5 - وقف الخدمة. ينتهي مصطلح الخيار المحدد في الفقرة 2 أعلاه (ويصبح هذا الخيار غير مستحق) قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية في حالة سريان أي من الأحكام التالية:
(أ) ما لم ينص صراحة على خلاف ذلك صراحة في الفقرات الفرعية (ب) إلى (و) من هذه الفقرة 5، إذا توقف أوبتيون عن البقاء في الخدمة المستمرة لأي سبب من الأسباب في حين أن هذا الخيار لا يزال قائما، عندئذ يكون أوبتيوني حتى انتهاء العمل على آخر يوم عمل قبل انقضاء فترة الثلاثة (3) أشهر التي تقاس من تاريخ وقف الخدمة المستمرة التي يتم خلالها ممارسة هذا الخيار لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيارات التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا عليها وممكنا ممارستها وقت إيقاف خدمة أوبتيونى للخدمة المستمرة، ولكن في أي حال من الأحوال يكون هذا الخيار قابلا للتطبيق في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(ب) في حالة توقف أوبتيوني عن الخدمة المستمرة بسبب وفاته في حين أن هذا الخيار قائم، يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار، بالنسبة لأي أو كل أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وممكنا ممارستها في وقت وقف الخدمة المستمرة عن طريق (1) الممثل الشخصي لممتلكات أوبتيون أو (2) الشخص أو الأشخاص الذين ينقل إليهم الخيار وفقا لقوانين أوبتيون أو قوانين الميراث بعد وفاة أوبتيوني. ومع ذلك، إذا توفي أوبتيوني في حين يحمل هذا الخيار وله تعيين المستفيد الفعال في هذا الخيار في وقت وفاته، ثم يكون المستفيد أو المستفيدين المعينين لهم الحق الحصري في ممارسة هذا الخيار بعد أوبتيوني الموت. وينتهي هذا الحق في ممارسة هذا الخيار، وينتهي هذا الخيار بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل ما قبل (1) انتهاء فترة الاثني عشر (12) شهرا التي تقاس من تاريخ وفاة أوبتيونى أو (2) تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية. عند انقضاء فترة التمارين المحدودة، ينتهي هذا الخيار ويصبح مستحق السداد لأي أسهم خيارات قابلة للممارسة والتي لم يمارس الخيار على خلاف ذلك.
(ج) إذا توقف أوبتيوني عن الخدمة المستمرة بسبب العجز الدائم في حين أن هذا الخيار لا يزال مستحقا، فسيكون لدى أوبتيوني حتى انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل انقضاء فترة الاثني عشر (12) شهرا المقاسة من التاريخ من هذا التوقف عن الخدمة المستمرة التي يمارس فيها هذا الخيار لأي من أو جميع أسهم الخيارات التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وقابلا للممارسة وقت توقف الخدمة المستمرة. ومع ذلك، في أي حال من الأحوال، هل يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(د) ما لم تستبعد القوانين المعمول بها خلاف ذلك، يجب على (1) أن يوقف أوبتيون الخدمة المستمرة بعد إكمال ثلاث سنوات على الأقل من الخدمة المستمرة و (2) مجموع عمر أوبتيون الذي تم بلوغه والسنوات المكتملة الخدمة المستمرة في وقت التوقف عن الخدمة تساوي أو تتجاوز سبعين (70) سنة، ثم يكون أوبتيون حتى نهاية العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل انتهاء فترة الستة والثلاثين (36) شهرا التي تقاس من تاريخ وقف الخدمة المستمرة الذي يمارس فيه هذا الخيار لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وقابلا للممارسة وقت توقف الخدمة المستمرة. ومع ذلك، في أي حال من الأحوال، هل يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(ه) يمتد تلقائيا فترة سريان مفعول الممارسة بعد انتهاء الخدمة المعمول بها عملا بالأحكام السالفة الذكر في هذه الفقرة 5 بفترة زمنية إضافية تساوي المدة إلى أي فاصل زمني في فترة ممارسة ما بعد الخدمة التي تمارس خلالها لا يمكن تنفيذ هذا الخيار أو البيع الفوري لأسهم الخيار المكتسبة بموجب هذا الخيار وفقا لقوانين الأوراق المالية الاتحادية والولائية المعمول بها، ولكن في أي حال من الأحوال يؤدي هذا التمديد إلى استمرار هذا الخيار بعد انتهاء العمل على آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(و) إذا تم إنهاء خدمة أوبتيوني المستمرة للسبب، أو ينبغي أن يشارك أوبتيوني في أي سلوك آخر، أثناء الخدمة المستمرة أو بعد توقف الخدمة المستمرة، وهو ما يلحق ضررا ماديا بأعمال الشركة أو شؤونها (أو أي كيان ذي صلة)، على النحو الذي يحدده مدير البرنامج وحده، فإن هذا الخيار، سواء كان مستحقا أو قابلا للممارسة في ذلك الوقت، ينتهي على الفور ويتوقف عن السداد.
(ز) خلال الفترة المحدودة لممارسة الخدمة بعد انتهاء الخدمة المنصوص عليها في هذه الفقرة 5، لا يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار في المجموع لأكثر من عدد أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار في الوقت المحدد فيها وممكن ممارستها. باستثناء هذا الحد (إن وجد) الذي أذن به المسؤول بشكل خاص بموجب اتفاق مكتوب صريح مع الخبير، لا يحق لهذا الخيار أو يصبح قابلا للممارسة لأي أسهم خيار إضافية، سواء وفقا لجدول الانتصاف العادي المبين في الجدول الأول المرفق أو أحكام تسريع الاستحقاق الخاصة الواردة في الفقرة 6 أدناه، بعد انتهاء الخدمة من قبل الخبير. عند انتهاء فترة التمارين المحدودة هذه أو (إذا كان ذلك سابقا) عند انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية، ينتهي هذا الخيار ويصبح مستحق السداد لأي أسهم خيار قابلة للممارسة والتي لم يتغير الخيار .
6 - التعجيل بخيار خاص.
(أ) يسرع هذا الخيار، إلى الحد الذي لا يزال قائما وقت حدوث تغيير فعلي في المراقبة، ولكن لا يمكن ممارسته بالكامل، بحيث يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ، مباشرة قبل التاريخ الفعلي لهذا التغيير في المراقبة من أسهم الخيار في ذلك الوقت الخاضع لهذا الخيار ويمكن ممارسته لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيار هذه كأسهم مكتملة بالكامل من الأسهم العادية. ومع ذلك، فإن هذا الخيار لن يصبح قابلا للممارسة على هذا الأساس المعجل إذا كان وإلى الحد: (1) هذا.
(أو أي من الوالدين) أو أن يستمر في العمل بكامل طاقته وأثره وفقا لشروط معاملة التغيير في السيطرة، (2) أن يستبدل هذا الخيار بديلا معادلا من الناحية الاقتصادية (3) يتم استبدال هذا الخيار ببرنامج الاحتفاظ النقدي للشركة الخلف الذي يحافظ على انتشار القائمة في وقت التغيير في السيطرة على أي أسهم الخيار التي لا يكون هذا الخيار غير ذلك في ذلك الوقت المخولة والممارسة (الزيادة في القيمة السوقية العادلة لأسهم الخيار على إجمالي سعر التمارين المستحق الدفع لهذه الأسهم) وينص على الاستحقاق اللاحق والعائد المتزامن لهذا الانتشار وفقا لنفس جدول الاستحقاق لأسهم الخيارات المذكورة في الملحق الجدول الأول.
(b) Immediately following the consummation of the Change in Control, this option shall terminate and cease to be outstanding, except to the extent assumed by the successor corporation (or parent thereof) or otherwise continued in effect pursuant to the terms of the Change in Control transaction.
(c) If this option is assumed in connection with a Change in Control or otherwise continued in effect, then this option shall be appropriately adjusted, immediately after such Change in Control, to apply to the number and class of securities into which the shares of Common Stock subject to this option would have been converted in consummation of such Change in Control had those shares actually been outstanding at the time. Appropriate adjustments shall also be made to the Exercise Price, provided the aggregate Exercise Price shall remain the same. To the extent the actual holders of the Corporations outstanding Common Stock receive cash consideration for their Common Stock in consummation of the Change in Control, the successor corporation may, in connection with the assumption or continuation of this option but subject to the Administrators approval, substitute one or more shares of its own common stock with a fair market value equivalent to the cash consideration paid per share of Common Stock in such Change in Control, provided such common stock is readily tradable on an established U. S. securities exchange or market.
(d) If this option is assumed or otherwise continued in effect in connection with a Change in Control or replaced with an economically-equivalent award or a cash retention program in accordance with Paragraph 6(a) above, then:
(i) the option (or such economically equivalent award) shall vest and become immediately exercisable for all of the Option Shares or other securities at the time subject to the option (or such award) and may, within the applicable exercise period under Paragraph 5, be exercised for any or all of those Option Shares or other securities as fully vested shares or securities, or.
(ii) the balance credited to Optionee under any cash retention program established pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) shall immediately be paid to Optionee in a lump sum, subject to the Corporations collection of all applicable Withholding Taxes;
if, within the period beginning with the execution date of the definitive agreement for the Change in Control transaction and ending with the earlier of (i) the termination of that definitive agreement without the consummation of such Change in Control or (ii) the expiration of the.
Applicable Acceleration Period following the consummation of such Change in Control, Optionees Continuous Service terminates due to an involuntary termination (other than for death or Permanent Disability) without Cause or a voluntary termination by Optionee due to Constructive Termination.
(e) This Agreement shall not in any way affect the right of the Corporation to adjust, reclassify, reorganize or otherwise change its capital or business structure or to merge, consolidate, dissolve, liquidate or sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.
7. Adjustment in Option Shares . Should any change be made to the Common Stock by reason of any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, combination of shares, exchange of shares, spin-off transaction, or other change affecting the outstanding Common Stock as a class without the Corporations receipt of consideration, or should the value of outstanding shares of Common Stock be substantially reduced as a result of a spin-off transaction or an extraordinary dividend or distribution, or should there occur any merger, consolidation or other reorganization, then equitable and proportional adjustments shall be made by the Administrator to (i) the total number and/or class of securities subject to this option and (ii) the Exercise Price. The adjustments shall be made in such manner as the Administrator deems appropriate in order to reflect such change and thereby prevent the dilution or enlargement of benefits hereunder, and those adjustments shall be final, binding and conclusive upon Optionee and any other person or persons having an interest in the option. In the event of any Change in Control transaction, the adjustment provisions of Paragraph 6(c) above shall be controlling.
8. Stockholder Rights . The holder of this option shall not have any stockholder rights with respect to the Option Shares until such person shall have exercised the option, paid the Exercise Price and become a holder of record of the purchased shares.
9. Manner of Exercising Option .
(a) In order to exercise this option with respect to all or any part of the Option Shares for which this option is at the time exercisable, Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising the option) must take the following actions:
(i) Execute and deliver to the Corporation a Notice of Exercise as to the Option Shares for which the option is exercised or comply with such other procedures as the Corporation may establish for notifying the Corporation, either directly or through an on-line internet transaction with a brokerage firm authorized by the Corporation to effect such option exercises, of the exercise of this option for one or more Option Shares. Copies of the Notice of Exercise may be obtained from the Corporations intranet at gnet/finance/doc/noe. doc.
(ii) Pay the aggregate Exercise Price for the purchased shares in one or more of the following forms:
(A) cash or check made payable to the Corporation; أو.
(B) through a special sale and remittance procedure pursuant to which Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising the option) shall concurrently provide irrevocable instructions (i) to a brokerage firm (reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation for purposes of administering such procedure in accordance with the Corporations pre-clearance/pre-notification policies) to effect the immediate sale of all or a sufficient portion of the purchased shares so that such brokerage firm can remit to the Corporation, on the settlement date, sufficient funds out of the resulting sale proceeds to cover the aggregate Exercise Price payable for all the purchased shares plus all applicable Withholding Taxes and (ii) to the Corporation to deliver the certificates for the purchased shares directly to such brokerage firm on such settlement date.
Except to the extent the sale and remittance procedure is utilized in connection with the option exercise, payment of the Exercise Price must accompany the Notice of Exercise (or other notification procedure) delivered to the Corporation in connection with the option exercise.
(iii) Furnish to the Corporation appropriate documentation that the person or persons exercising the option (if other than Optionee) have the right to exercise this option.
(iv) Make appropriate arrangements with the Corporation (or Parent or Subsidiary employing or retaining Optionee) for the satisfaction of all applicable Withholding Taxes.
(b) As soon as practical after the Exercise Date, the Corporation shall issue to or on behalf of Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising this option) a certificate for the purchased Option Shares (either in paper or electronic form), with the appropriate legends affixed thereto.
(c) In no event may this option be exercised for any fractional shares.
10. Compliance with Laws and Regulations .
(a) The exercise of this option and the issuance of the Option Shares upon such exercise shall be subject to compliance by the Corporation and Optionee with all Applicable Laws relating thereto.
(b) The inability of the Corporation to obtain approval from any regulatory body having authority deemed by the Corporation to be necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Common Stock pursuant to this option shall relieve the Corporation of.
any liability with respect to the non-issuance or sale of the Common Stock as to which such approval shall not have been obtained. The Corporation, however, shall use its best efforts to obtain all such approvals.
11. Successors and Assigns . Except to the extent otherwise provided in Paragraphs 3 and 6 above, the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Corporation and its successors and assigns and Optionee, Optionees assigns, the legal representatives, heirs and legatees of Optionees estate and any beneficiaries of this option designated by Optionee.
12. Notices . Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Corporation under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to the Corporation at its principal corporate offices. Any notice required to be given or delivered to Optionee shall be in writing and addressed to Optionee at the most current address then indicated for Optionee on the Corporations employee records or shall be delivered electronically to Optionee through the Corporations electronic mail system or through an on-line brokerage firm authorized by the Corporation to effect option exercises through the internet. All notices shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery or delivery through the Corporations electronic mail system or upon deposit in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed to the party to be notified.
13. Construction . This Agreement and the option evidenced hereby are made and granted pursuant to the Plan and are in all respects limited by and subject to the terms of the Plan. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the terms of the Plan, the terms of the Plan shall be controlling. All decisions of the Administrator with respect to any question or issue arising under the Plan or this Agreement shall be conclusive and binding on all persons having an interest in this option.
14- القانون الواجب التطبيق. The interpretation, performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without resort to Californias conflict-of-laws rules.
15. Excess Shares . If the Option Shares covered by this Agreement exceed, as of the Grant Date, the number of shares of Common Stock which may without stockholder approval be issued under the Plan, then this option shall be void with respect to those excess shares, unless stockholder approval of an amendment sufficiently increasing the number of shares of Common Stock issuable under the Plan is obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. In no event shall the option be exercisable with respect to any of the excess Option Shares unless and until such stockholder approval is obtained.
16. Leaves of Absence . The following provisions shall govern leaves of absence, except to the extent the application of such provisions to Optionee would contravene Applicable Laws.
(a) For purposes of this Agreement, Optionees Continuous Service shall not be deemed to cease during any period for which Optionee is on a military leave, sick leave or other personal leave approved by the Corporation. However, Optionee shall not receive any Continuous Service credit, for purposes of vesting in this option and the Option Shares.
pursuant to the Vesting Schedule set forth in attached Schedule I, for any period of such leave of absence, except to the extent otherwise required by law or pursuant to the following policy:
- Optionee shall receive Continuous Service credit for such vesting purposes for (i) the first three (3) months of an approved personal leave of absence or (ii) the first seven (7) months of any bona fide leave of absence (other than an approved personal leave), but in no event beyond the expiration date of such leave of absence.
(b) In no event shall Optionee be deemed to remain in Continuous Service at any time after the earlier of (i) the expiration date of his or her leave of absence, unless Optionee returns to active Continuous Service on or before that date, or (ii) the date Optionees Continuous Service actually terminates by reason of his or her voluntary or involuntary termination or by reason of his or her death or disability.
17. Employment at Will . Nothing in this Agreement or in the Plan shall confer upon Optionee any right to remain in Employee status for any period of specific duration or interfere with or otherwise restrict in any way the rights of the Corporation (or any Related Entity employing Optionee) or of Optionee, which rights are hereby expressly reserved by each, to terminate Optionees Employee status at any time for any reason, with or without Cause.
18. Plan Prospectus . The official prospectus for the Plan is available on the Corporations intranet at: gnet/HR/stocks_new. asp . Optionee may also obtain a printed copy of the prospectus by contacting Stock Administration either through the internet at stockadministration@gilead or by telephoning 650-522-5517.
19. Optionee Acceptance . Optionee must accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement either electronically through the electronic acceptance procedure established by the Corporation or through a written acceptance delivered to the Corporation in a form satisfactory to the Corporation. In no event shall this option be exercised in the absence of such acceptance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gilead Sciences, Inc. has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its duly-authorized officer on the day and year first indicated above.
The following definitions shall be in effect under the Agreement:
A. Administrator shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board (or a subcommittee thereof) acting in its capacity as administrator of the Plan.
B. Agreement shall mean this Stock Option Agreement.
C. Applicable Acceleration Period shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2(b) of the Plan and shall be determined on the basis of Optionees status on the Grant Date.
D. Applicable Laws shall mean the legal requirements related to the Plan and the option under applicable provisions of the federal securities laws, state corporate and state securities laws, the Code, the rules of any applicable Stock Exchange on which the Common Stock is listed for trading, and the rules of any non-U. S. jurisdiction applicable to options granted to residents therein.
E. Board shall mean the Corporations Board of Directors.
F. Cause shall, for purposes of Paragraph 5 of the Agreement, mean the termination of Optionees Continuous Service as a result of Optionees (i) performance of any act, or failure to perform any act, in bad faith and to the detriment of the Corporation or a Related Entity; (ii) dishonesty, intentional misconduct, material violation of any applicable Corporation or Related Entity policy, or material breach of any agreement with the Corporation or a Related Entity; or (iii) commission of a crime involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or physical or emotional harm to any person. However, for purposes of Paragraph 6(d) of the Agreement, Cause shall mean the termination of Optionees Continuous Service as a result of Optionees (a) conviction of, a guilty plea with respect to, or a plea of nolo contendere to, a charge that Optionee has committed a felony under the laws of the United States or of any State or a crime involving moral turpitude, including (without limitation) fraud, theft, embezzlement or any crime that results in or is intended to result in personal enrichment to Optionee at the expense of the Corporation or a Related Entity; (b) material breach of any agreement entered into between Optionee and the Corporation or a Related Entity that impairs the Corporations or the Related Entitys interest therein; (c) willful misconduct, significant failure to perform his or her duties or gross neglect of his or her duties; or (d) engagement in any activity that constitutes a material conflict of interest with the Corporation or a Related Entity.
G. Change in Control shall mean a change in ownership or control of the Corporation effected through any of the following transactions:
(i) a merger, consolidation or other reorganization approved by the Corporations stockholders, unless securities representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the voting securities of the.
successor corporation are immediately thereafter beneficially owned, directly or indirectly and in substantially the same proportion, by the persons who beneficially owned the Corporations outstanding voting securities immediately prior to such transaction;
(ii) a sale, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of the Corporations assets;
(iii) the closing of any transaction or series of related transactions pursuant to which any person or any group of persons comprising a group within the meaning of Rule 13d-5(b)(1) of the 1934 Act (other than the Corporation or a person that, prior to such transaction or series of related transactions, directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Corporation) becomes directly or indirectly (whether as a result of a single acquisition or by reason of one or more acquisitions within the twelve - (12) month period ending with the most recent acquisition) the beneficial owner (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the 1934 Act) of securities possessing (or convertible into or exercisable for securities possessing) more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the Corporations outstanding securities (as measured in terms of the power to vote with respect to the election of Board members) outstanding immediately after the consummation of such transaction or series of related transactions, whether such transaction involves a direct issuance from the Corporation or th e acquisition of outstanding securities held by one or more of the Corporations existing stockholders; أو.
(iv) a change in the composition of the Board over a period of twelve (12) consecutive months or less such that a majority of the Board members ceases, by reason of one or more contested elections for Board membership, to be comprised of individuals who either (a) have been Board members continuously since the beginning of such period or (b) have been elected or nominated for election as Board members during such period by at least a majority of the Board members described in clause (A) above who were still in office at the time the Board approved such election or nomination.
In no event, however, shall a Change in Control be deemed to occur upon a merger, consolidation or other reorganization effected primarily to change the State of the Corporations incorporation or to create a holding company structure pursuant to which the Corporation becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity whose outstanding voting securities immediately after its formation are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, and in substantially the same proportion, by the persons who beneficially owned the Corporations outstanding voting securities immediately prior to the formation of such entity.
H. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
I. Common Stock shall mean shares of the Corporations common stock.
J. Constructive Termination shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 11(d) of the Plan.
K. Consultant shall mean any person, including an advisor, who is compensated by the Corporation or any Related Entity for services performed as a non-employee consultant; provided, however, that the term Consultant shall not include non-employee Directors serving in their capacity as Board members. The term Consultant shall include a member of the board of directors of a Related Entity.
L. Continuous Service shall mean the performance of services for the Corporation or a Related Entity (whether now existing or subsequently established) by a person in the capacity of an Employee, Director or Consultant. For purposes of this Agreement, Optionee shall be deemed to cease Continuous Service immediately upon the occurrence of either of the following events: (i) Optionee no longer performs services in any of the foregoing capacities for the Corporation or any Related Entity or (ii) the entity for which Optionee is performing such services ceases to remain a Related Entity of the Corporation, even though Optionee may subsequently continue to perform services for that entity. In jurisdictions requiring notice in advance of an effective termination of Optionees service as an Employee, Director or Consultant, Continuous Service shall be deemed terminated upon the actual cessation of such service to the Corporation or a Related Entity notwithstanding any required notice period that must be fulfilled before Optionees termination as an Employee, Director or Consultant can be effective under Applicable Laws.
M. Corporation shall mean Gilead Sciences, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any successor corporation to all or substantially all of the assets or voting stock of Gilead Sciences, Inc. which shall by appropriate action adopt the Plan.
N. Director shall mean a member of the Board.
O. Employee shall mean an individual who is in the employ of the Corporation (or any Related Entity), subject to the control and direction of the employer entity as to both the work to be performed and the manner and method of performance.
P. Exercise Date shall mean the date on which the option shall have been exercised in accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Agreement.
Q. Exercise Price shall mean the exercise price payable per Option Share as specified in attached Schedule I.
R. Expiration Date shall mean the date specified on attached Schedule I for measuring the maximum term for which the option may remain outstanding.
S. Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on any relevant date shall be the closing price per share of Common Stock (or the closing bid, if no sales were reported) on that date, as quoted on the Stock Exchange that is at the time serving as the primary trading market for the Common Stock; provided, however, that if there no reported closing price or.
closing bid for that date, then the closing price or closing bid, as applicable, for the last trading date on which such closing price or closing bid was quoted shall be determinative of such Fair Market Value. The applicable quoted price shall be as reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source as the Administrator deems reliable.
T. Grant Date shall mean the date on which the option is granted, as specified on attached Schedule I.
U. Living Trust shall mean a revocable living trust established by Optionee or by Optionee and his or her spouse of which Optionee is the sole trustee (or sole co-trustee with his or her spouse) and sole beneficiary (or sole co-beneficiary with his or her spouse) during Optionees lifetime.
V. 1934 Act shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
W. Non-Statutory Option shall mean an option not intended to satisfy the requirements of Code Section 422.
X. Notice of Exercise shall mean the notice of option exercise in the form authorized by the Corporation.
Y. Option Shares shall mean the number of shares of Common Stock subject to the option as specified in attached Schedule I.
Z. Optionee shall mean the person identified in attached Schedule I to whom the option is granted pursuant to the Agreement.
AA. Parent shall mean a parent corporation, whether now existing or hereafter established, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.
BB. Permanent Disability shall mean the inability of Optionee to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which is expected to result in death or to be of continuous duration of twelve (12) months or more.
CC. Plan shall mean the Corporations 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time.
DD. Related Entity shall mean (i) any Parent or Subsidiary of the Corporation and (ii) any corporation in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning with the Corporation and ending with the corporation in the chain for which Optionee provides services as an Employee, Director or Consultant, provided each corporation in such chain owns securities representing at least twenty percent (20%) of the total outstanding voting power of the outstanding securities of another corporation or entity in such chain and there is a legitimate non-tax business purpose for making this option grant to Optionee.
EE. Stock Exchange shall mean the American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq Global or Global Select Market or the New York Stock Exchange.
FF. Subsidiary shall mean a subsidiary corporation, whether now existing or hereafter established, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.
GG. Vesting Schedule shall mean the schedule set forth in attached Schedule I, pursuant to which the option is to vest and become exercisable for the Option Shares in a series of installments over Optionees period of Continuous Service.
HH. Withholding Taxes shall mean the federal, state, local and/or foreign income taxes and the employee portion of the federal, state, local and/or foreign employment taxes required to be withheld by the Corporation in connection with the exercise of the option.
Total Number of Option Shares: «SHARES_GRANTED»
The option will vest and become exercisable for the number of Option Shares noted on the first line above on the first anniversary of the Grant Date, as noted by the date listed under Full Vest Date. With respect to each subsequent line, the option will vest and become exercisable for the listed Option Shares in equal quarterly installments, beginning one quarter after the Full Vest Date on the previous line and ending on the corresponding Full Vest Date for the listed Option Shares at issue. Fractional shares will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
الحصول على نماذج قانونية مجانية.
اتفاقية خيار الأسهم.
This Stock Option Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between ____________ (“Optionor”) and ______________________ (“Optionee”).
The Optionor is the legal and beneficial owner of __________ authorized shares (“Optionor Shares”) in the capital stock of __________________ (“Corporation”). The Optionor wishes to grant to the Optionee and the Optionee wishes to accept from the.
Optionor, an option to purchase _____________of the Optionor Shares (“Optioned Shares”).
Therefore in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Optionor grants to the Optionee an option (the “Option”) to purchase the Optioned Shares at a purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) of $ _____ per share for an aggregate Purchase Price of $ __________, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Option Exercise Period.
The Option may be exercised by the Optionee in whole, not in part, at any time from the date of this Agreement until the day preceding the earlier of (i) ________________, (ii) death of the Optionee, or (iii), the Termination Date of this Option Exercise Period. These options shall terminate on the Termination Date unless exercised by the Optionee prior to it.
2. Exercise of Option.
The Optionee shall, for the purposes of exercising the Option, give to the Optionor notice in writing (“Notice”), accompanied by a bank check payable to the Optionor in the amount of the Purchase Price.
3. Transfer of Optioned Shares.
Upon compliance by the Optionee with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and upon receipt by the Optionor of (i) the Notice, and (ii) payment of the Purchase Price, the Optionor shall sell and transfer to the Optionee the Optioned Shares and as evidence of it, the Optionor shall execute in favor of the Optionee a form of transfer and an endorsement on the share certificates representing the Optioned Shares, together with other documents to evidence the sale and transfer as the Optionee requests. The Optionor shall also cause the Corporation’s directors to consent to the sale and transfer of the Optioned Shares to the Optionee.
4. Non-Assignability of Option.
The Option is personal to the Optionee. Therefore, the Optionee may not sell, assign or otherwise transfer the Option or any of its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Optionor.
Any notice required by this Agreement or given in connection with it, shall be in writing and shall be given to the appropriate party by personal delivery or a recognized over night delivery service such as FedEx.
If to the Optionor: _____________________________________________________.
If to the Optionee: ___________________________________________________.
The waiver or failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided in this agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy to which the party may be entitled.
7. Entirety of Agreement.
The terms and conditions set forth herein constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any communications or previous agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. There are no written or oral understandings directly or indirectly related to this Agreement that are not set forth herein. No change can be made to this Agreement other than in writing and signed by both parties.
8. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of ____________________ and any dispute under this Agreement must be brought in this venue and no other.
9. Headings in this Agreement.
The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only, confirm no rights or obligations in either party, and do not alter any terms of this Agreement.
If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement, including all of the remaining terms, will remain in full force and effect as if such invalid or unenforceable term had never been included.
In Witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
اتفاقية خيار الأسهم.
This review list is provided to inform you about the document in question and assist you in its preparation. Stock option agreements are a tricky business for a number of reasons:
1. Many states regard these agreements as falling under employment agreements and/or covenants which opens them up to examination by various labor boards in addition to the Attorney General’s office for fraudulent enticement and other matters. والحجة هي أن خيارات الأسهم يمكن أن تقدم للموظفين "الطعم" لتجنب تلقي رواتب أعلى. Therefore, this is an infringement of various rights, in the eyes of these states, their laws and statutes, and their enforcement officials.
2. Many employees view stock option offers in a similar manner and are not motivated by receiving them, and, to some extent are demotivated by the offer, especially after their families make derogatory comments about the “worth” of these options. In fact, I have had several employees resign when offered options because of personal upset caused by both the potential upside and more likely worthlessness of these options (a common result, of course; however, having said that, if the company works, the options can mean big bucks).
3. In addition, if the Corporation grants these options to any of its employees they then change their role, in part, to being an owner. This is an entirely different relationship than being an employee and often serves to confuse employer and employee alike, when employee turns the table on management and starts cross examining management (their absolute right as shareholders) and offering different suggestions than those of their immediate supervisor (another absolute right of a shareholder to offer suggestions, but in the appropriate forum of course, which is not in the course of their daily employment; but, these distinctions often get muddled among option holders).
4. The safest course is not to offer these at all. This is the unintended consequence of the events and facts enumerated above. However, it is not our role to advocate changing what is, but in suggesting how to deal with things as they are, until they are modified to become friendlier to the option-issuing corporation.
5. I have found the no option approach works best in our company and the last few we have set up. In fact, in classified ads seeking employees, my response level has always been higher and with a more qualified group when I offer regular employment versus when I offer regular employment plus an option or stock opportunity. People have become suspicious of these offers, rightfully or wrongfully. If you want to secure an employee’s commitment to the company, consider an outright issuance of stock so they have what they have and that is that. On the whole, though, you may find it wiser to not issue stock at all to employees. Pay them more instead. It will be simpler and probably cheaper in the long run. The above is business advice only.
6. Legally, you are issuing securities in this agreement and should have the agreement reviewed by an appropriately knowledgeable attorney in securities law. Have both parties sign the Agreement in duplicate, have these Agreements ratified by your Board and inserted into your minute book, and keep an extra copy in the employee’s or other person’s file in your company.
Stock Option Agreement for Equity Incentive Plan.
This stock option agreement is intended to be used under an equity incentive plan (or stock plan). An option agreement grants to the holder of the options a right to purchase stock at a set price sometime in the future. Download this free stock option agreement below.
Need to connect with a labor & محامي العمل بالقرب منك؟
معظم المحامين على أوبكونسيل تقدم استشارات مجانية.
Need to connect with a labor & محامي العمل بالقرب منك؟
معظم المحامين على أوبكونسيل تقدم استشارات مجانية.
Pursuant to its [ Current Year ] Equity Incentive Plan (the “Plan”), as amended from time to time (the “Plan”), [ Company Name ] a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), hereby grants to the Optionee listed below (“Optionee”), an option to purchase the number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock set forth below, subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and this Stock Option Agreement (this “Option Agreement”). Unless otherwise defined herein, the terms defined in the Plan shall have the same defined meanings in this Option Agreement.
Date of Option Agreement:
[ Option Agreement Date ]
Vesting Start Date:
[ Vesting Start Date ]
Exercise Price per Share:
[ Exercise Price Per Share ]
Total Number of Shares Granted:
[ Number of Shares Granted ]
Total Exercise Price:
_____ Shares Incentive Stock Options.
_____ Shares Non-Statutory Stock Options.
1.1. جدول الاستحقاق. The Shares subject to this Option shall vest according to the following schedule: Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Shares subject to the Option (rounded down to the next whole number of shares) shall vest on the first anniversary of the Vesting Start Date and 1/48th of the Shares subject to the Option shall vest monthly thereafter so that one hundred percent (100%) of the Shares subject to the Option are vested on the fourth anniversary of the Vesting Start Date, subject to the Optionee remaining a Service Provider through each such vesting date (unless otherwise determined by the Administrator).
1.2. Termination Period . This Option may be exercised, to the extent vested, for three (3) months after Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or such longer period as may be applicable upon the death or Disability of Optionee as provided herein (or, if not provided herein, then as provided in the Plan), but in no event later than the Term/Expiration Date as set forth above.
1.3. Transferability . You may not transfer this Option.
2.1. Grant of Option . The Company hereby grants to the Optionee an Option to purchase the number of shares of Common Stock (the “Shares”) set forth in the Notice of Grant, at the exercise price per share set forth in the Notice of Grant (the “Exercise Price”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary anywhere else in this Option Agreement, this grant of an Option is subject to the terms, definitions and provisions of the Plan, which is incorporated herein by reference.
2.2. Designation of Option . If designated in the Notice of Grant as an Incentive Stock Option, this Option is intended to qualify as an Incentive Stock Option as defined in Section 422 of the Code; provided, however, that to the extent that the aggregate Fair Market Value of the Common Stock with respect to which Incentive Stock Options (within the meaning of Code Section 422, but without regard to Code Section 422(d)), including the Option, are exercisable for the first time by Optionee during any calendar year (under the Plan and all other incentive stock option plans of the Company (or any “parent corporation” or “subsidiary corporation” thereof within the meaning of Code Sections 424(e) or 424(f), respectively)) exceeds $100,000, such options shall be treated as not qualifying under Code Section 422, but rather shall be treated as Non-Qualified Stock Options to the extent required by Code Section 422. The rule set forth in the preceding sentence shall be applied by taking options into account in the order in which they were granted. For purposes of these rules, the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock shall be determined as of the time the option with respect to such stock is granted.
2.3. ممارسة الخيار. This Option is exercisable as follows: This Option shall be exercisable cumulatively according to the vesting schedule set out in the Notice of Grant. For purposes of this Option Agreement, Shares subject to this Option shall vest based on Optionee’s continued status as a Service Provider, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. This Option may not be exercised for a fraction of a Share. In the event of Optionee’s death, Disability or other termination of Continuous Service Status, the exercisability of this Option is governed by Section 5 below, subject to the limitations contained in this Section 2.3. In no event may this Option be exercised after the Expiration Date set forth in the Notice.
2.3.2. Method of Exercise . This Option shall be exercisable by written notice to the Company (in the form attached as Exhibit A) (the “Exercise Notice”). The Exercise Notice shall state the number of Shares for which the Option is being exercised, and such other representations and agreements with respect to such Shares of Common Stock as may be required by the Company pursuant to the provisions of the Plan. The Exercise Notice shall be signed by Optionee and shall be delivered in person or by certified mail to the Secretary of the Company or such other authorized representative of the Company. The Exercise Notice shall be accompanied by payment of the Exercise Price, including payment of any applicable withholding tax. No Shares shall be issued pursuant to the exercise of an Option unless such issuance and such exercise comply with all relevant provisions of law and the requirements of any stock exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed. Assuming such compliance, for income tax purposes the Shares shall be considered transferred to Optionee on the date on which the Option is exercised with respect to such Shares.
2.4. Lock-Up Agreement . Optionee hereby agrees that if so requested by the Company or any representative of the underwriters (the “Managing Underwriter”) in connection with any registration of the offering of any securities of the Company under the Securities Act, Optionee shall not sell or otherwise transfer any Shares or other securities of the Company during the 180day period (or such longer period as may be requested in writing by the Managing Underwriter and agreed to in writing by the Company) (the “Market Standoff Period”) following the effective date of a registration statement of the Company filed under the Securities Act; provided, however, that such restriction shall apply only to the first registration statement of the Company to become effective under the Securities Act that includes securities to be sold on behalf of the Company to the public in an underwritten public offering under the Securities Act. The Company may impose stoptransfer instructions with respect to securities subject to the foregoing restrictions until the end of such Market Standoff Period and these restrictions shall be binding on any transferee of such Shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the 180-day period may be extended for up to such number of additional days as is deemed necessary by the Company or the Managing Underwriter to continue coverage by research analysts in accordance with NASD Rule 2711 or any successor rule.
2.5. Method of Payment . Payment of the Exercise Price shall be by any of the following, or a combination thereof, at the election of the Optionee:
2.5.3. with the consent of the Administrator, a full recourse promissory note bearing interest (at no less than such rate as is a market rate of interest and which then precludes the imputation of interest under the Code), payable upon such terms as may be prescribed by the Administrator and structured to comply with Applicable Laws;
2.5.4. with the consent of the Administrator, surrender of other Shares of Common Stock of the Company which have a Fair Market Value on the date of surrender equal to the Exercise Price of the Shares as to which the Option is being exercised;
2.5.5. with the consent of the Administrator, surrendered Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Option having a Fair Market Value on the date of exercise equal to the aggregate Exercise Price of the Option or exercised portion thereof;
2.5.6. with the consent of the Administrator, property of any kind which constitutes good and valuable consideration;
2.5.7. following the Public Trading Date, with the consent of the Administrator, delivery of a notice that the Optionee has placed a market sell order with a broker with respect to Shares then issuable upon exercise of the Option and that the broker has been directed to pay a sufficient portion of the net proceeds of the sale to the Company in satisfaction of the aggregate Exercise Price; provided, that payment of such proceeds is then made to the Company upon settlement of such sale; أو.
2.5.8. with the consent of the Administrator, any combination of the foregoing methods of payment.
2.6. Restrictions on Exercise . This Option may not be exercised until the Plan has been approved by the stockholders of the Company. If the issuance of Shares upon such exercise or if the method of payment for such Shares would constitute a violation of any applicable federal or state securities or other law or regulation, then the Option may also not be exercised. The Company may require Optionee to make any representation and warranty to the Company as may be required by any applicable law or regulation before allowing the Option to be exercised.
2.7. Termination of Relationship . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider (other than by reason of Optionee’s death or Disability), Optionee may exercise this Option during the Termination Period set out in the Notice of Grant, to the extent the Option was vested on the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider. To the extent that the Option is not vested on the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or if Optionee does not exercise this Option within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.8. Disability of Optionee . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider as a result of his or her Disability, Optionee may exercise the Option to the extent the Option was vested at the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, but only within twelve (12) months from such date (and in no event later than the expiration date of the term of this Option as set forth in the Notice of Grant). To the extent that the Option is not vested at the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or if Optionee does not exercise such Option within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.9. Death of Optionee . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider as a result of the death of Optionee, the vested portion of the Option may be exercised at any time within twelve (12) months following the date of death (and in no event later than the expiration date of the term of this Option as set forth in the Notice of Grant) by Optionee’s estate or by a person who acquires the right to exercise the Option by bequest or inheritance. To the extent that the Option is not vested on the date of death, or if the Option is not exercised within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.10. Non-Transferability of Option . This Option may not be transferred in any manner except by will or by the laws of descent or distribution. It may be exercised during the lifetime of Optionee only by Optionee. The terms of this Option shall be binding upon the executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of the Optionee.
2.11. Term of Option . This Option may be exercised only within the term set out in the Notice of Grant.
2.12. Restrictions on Shares . Optionee hereby agrees that Shares purchased upon the exercise of the Option shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Administrator shall determine in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, restrictions on the transferability of Shares, and a right of first refusal in favor of the Company with respect to permitted transfers of Shares. Such terms and conditions may, in the Administrator’s sole discretion, be contained in the Exercise Notice with respect to the Option or in such other agreement as the Administrator shall determine and which the Optionee hereby agrees to enter into at the request of the Company.
2.13. Corporate Transactions . If the Company undergoes an Acquisition, then any surviving corporation or entity or acquiring corporation or entity, or affiliate of such corporation or entity, may assume any Awards outstanding under the Plan or may substitute similar stock awards (including an award to acquire the same consideration paid to the stockholders in the transaction) for those outstanding under the Plan. In the event any surviving corporation or entity or acquiring corporation or entity in an Acquisition, or affiliate of such corporation or entity, does not assume such Awards or does not substitute similar stock awards for those outstanding under the Plan, then with respect to (i) Awards held by participants in the Plan whose status as a Service Provider has not terminated prior to such event, the vesting of such Awards (and, if applicable, the time during which such awards may be exercised) shall be accelerated and made fully exercisable and all restrictions thereon shall lapse at least ten (10) days prior to the closing of the Acquisition (and the Awards terminated if not exercised prior to the closing of such Acquisition) and (ii) any other Awards outstanding under the Plan, such Awards shall be terminated if not exercised prior to the closing of the Acquisition.
2.14.1. Generally . Optionee shall, if required by the Administrator, enter into an election with the Company or a Subsidiary (in a form approved by the Company) under which any liability to the Company’s (or a Subsidiary’s) Tax Liability, including, but not limited to, National Insurance Contributions (“NICs”) and the Fringe Benefit Tax (“FBT”), is transferred to and met by Optionee. For purposes of this Section 13, Tax Liability shall mean any and all liability under non-U. S. applicable laws, rules or regulations from any income tax, the Company’s (or a Subsidiary’s) NICs, FBT or similar liability and the Optionee’s NICs, FBT or similar liability that are attributable to: (A) the grant or exercise of, or any other benefit derived by the Optionee from the Option; (B) the acquisition by Optionee of the Shares on exercise of the Option; or (C) the disposal of any Shares acquired upon exercise of the Option.
2.14.2. Tax Indemnity . Optionee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and any of its Subsidiaries from and against any Tax Liability.
2.14.3. 409A Valutions . In addition, you agree and acknowledge that your rights to any Shares underlying this Option will be earned only as you provide services to the Company over time, that the grant of this Option is not as consideration for services you rendered to the Company prior to your date of hire, and that nothing in this Notice or the attached documents confers upon you any right to continue your employment or consulting relationship with the Company for any period of time, nor does it interfere in any way with your right or the Company’s right to terminate that relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause. Also, to the extent applicable, the Exercise Price Per Share has been set in good faith compliance with the applicable guidance issued by the IRS under Section 409A of the Code. However, there is no guarantee that the IRS will agree with the valuation, and by signing below, you agree and acknowledge that the Company shall not be held liable for any applicable costs, taxes, or penalties associated with this Option if, in fact, the IRS were to determine that this Option constitutes deferred compensation under Section 409A of the Code. You should consult with your own tax advisor concerning the tax consequences of such a determination by the IRS.
2.15. Consideration to the Company . In consideration of the grant of Options by the Company, Optionee agrees to render faithful and efficient services to the Company or any Subsidiary. Nothing in the Plan or this Agreement shall confer upon Opionee any right to (a) continue in the employ of the Company or any Subsidiary or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company and its Subsidiaries, which are hereby expressly reserved, to discharge Optionee, if Optionee is an Employee, or (b) continue to provide services to the Company or any Subsidiary or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company or its Subsidiaries, which are hereby expressly reserved, to terminate the services of Optionee, if Optionee is a Consultant, at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in a written agreement between the Company and Optionee.
2.16.1. القانون الذي يحكم . This Agreement and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.
2.16.2. Entire Agreement; Enforcement of Rights . This Agreement, together with the Notice to which this Agreement is attached and the Plan, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter herein and therein and merges all prior discussions between the parties. Except as contemplated under the Plan, no modification of or amendment to this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights under this Agreement, shall be effective unless in writing signed by the parties to this Agreement. The failure by either party to enforce any rights under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights of such party.
2.16.3. Severability . If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under Applicable Laws, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith. In the event that the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, then (i) such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, (ii) the balance of this Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and (iii) the balance of this Agreement shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms. (d) Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficient upon delivery, when delivered personally or by overnight courier or sent by email or fax (upon customary confirmation of receipt), or forty-eight (48) hours after being deposited in the U. S. mail as certified or registered mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be notified at such party’s address or fax number as set forth on the signature page or as subsequently modified by written notice.
2.16.4. Counterparts . This Option may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument.
2.16.5. Successors and Assigns. The rights and benefits of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the Company’s successors and assigns. The rights and obligations of Optionee under this Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the Company.
This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one document.
Optionee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Plan and represents that he or she is familiar with the terms and provisions thereof. Optionee hereby accepts this Option subject to all of the terms and provisions hereof. Optionee has reviewed the Plan and this Option in their entirety, has had an opportunity to obtain the advice of counsel prior to executing this Option and fully understands all provisions of the Option. Optionee hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Administrator upon any questions arising under the Plan or this Option. Optionee further agrees to notify the Company upon any change in the residence address indicated below.
Name:[ Company Representative Name ]
Title:[ Representative Title ]
Name:[ Optionee Name ]
Address:[ Optionee Address ]
1. Exercise of Option . Effective as of today, [ Date ] the undersigned (“Optionee”) hereby elects to exercise Optionee’s option to purchase [ # Share To Purchase ] shares of the Common Stock (the “Shares”) of [ Name of Company ] a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), under and pursuant to the [ Year of Plan ] Equity Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time (the “Plan”) and the Stock Option Agreement dated [ Date of Option Agreement ] (the “Option Agreement”). Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings given in the Option Agreement.
2. Representations of Optionee . Optionee acknowledges that Optionee has received, read and understood the Plan and the Option Agreement. Optionee agrees to abide by and be bound by their terms and conditions.
3.1. No Voting Rights . Until the stock certificate evidencing Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of the Option is issued (as evidenced by the appropriate entry on the books of the Company or of a duly authorized transfer agent of the Company), no right to vote or receive dividends or any other rights as a stockholder shall exist with respect to Shares subject to the Option, notwithstanding the exercise of the Option. The Company shall issue (or cause to be issued) such stock certificate promptly after the Option is exercised. No adjustment will be made for a dividend or other right for which the record date is prior to the date the stock certificate is issued, except as provided in the Plan.
3.2. Exercising the Right of First Refusal . Optionee shall enjoy rights as a stockholder until such time as Optionee disposes of the Shares or the Company and/or its assignee(s) exercises the Right of First Refusal (as defined below) hereunder. Upon such exercise, Optionee shall have no further rights as a holder of the Shares so purchased except the right to receive payment for the Shares so purchased in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and Optionee shall forthwith cause the certificate(s) evidencing the Shares so purchased to be surrendered to the Company for transfer or cancellation.
4. Optionee’s Rights to Transfer Shares.
4.1. Company’s Right of First Refusal . Before any Shares held by Optionee or any permitted transferee (each, a “Holder”) may be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated, transferred, or otherwise disposed of (each, a “Transfer”), the Company or its assignee(s) shall have a right of first refusal to purchase the Shares proposed to be Transferred on the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 4 (the “Right of First Refusal”).
4.1.1. Notice of Proposed Transfer . In the event any Holder desires to Transfer any Shares, the Holder shall deliver to the Company a written notice (the “Notice”) stating: (w) the Holder’s bona fide intention to sell or otherwise Transfer such Shares; (x) the name of each proposed purchaser or other transferee (“Proposed Transferee”); (y) the number of Shares to be Transferred to each Proposed Transferee; and (z) the bona fide cash price or other consideration for which the Holder proposes to Transfer the Shares (the “Offered Price”), and the Holder shall offer such Shares at the Offered Price to the Company or its assignee(s).
4.1.2. Exercise of Right of First Refusal . Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice, the Company and/or its assignee(s) may elect in writing to purchase all, but not less than all, of the Shares proposed to be Transferred to any one or more of the Proposed Transferees. The purchase price shall be determined in accordance with Section 4(a)(iii) hereof.
4.1.3. Purchase Price . The purchase price (“Purchase Price”) for the Shares repurchased under this Section 4 shall be the Offered Price. If the Offered Price includes consideration other than cash, the cash equivalent value of the non-cash consideration shall be determined by the Board in good faith.
4.1.4. دفع . Payment of the Purchase Price shall be made, at the option of the Company or its assignee(s), in cash (by check), by cancellation of all or a portion of any outstanding indebtedness of the Holder to the Company (or, in the case of repurchase by an assignee, to the assignee), or by any combination thereof within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice or in the manner and at the times mutually agreed to by the Company and the Holder.
4.1.5. Holder’s Right to Transfer . If all of the Shares proposed in the Notice to be Transferred are not purchased by the Company and/or its assignee(s) as provided in this Section 4, then the Holder may sell or otherwise Transfer such Shares to that Proposed Transferee at the Offered Price or at a higher price, provided that such sale or other Transfer is consummated within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of the Notice and provided further that any such sale or other Transfer is effected in accordance with any applicable securities laws and the Proposed Transferee agrees in writing that the provisions of this Section 4 shall continue to apply to the Shares in the hands of such Proposed Transferee. If the Shares described in the Notice are not Transferred to the Proposed Transferee within such 120-day period, a new Notice shall be given to the Company, and the Company and/or its assignees shall again be offered the Right of First Refusal as provided herein before any Shares held by the Holder may be sold or otherwise Transferred.
4.2. Exception for Certain Family Transfers . Anything to the contrary contained in this Section 4 notwithstanding, the Transfer of any or all of the Shares during the Optionee’s lifetime or upon the Optionee’s death by will or intestacy to the Optionee’s Immediate Family or a trust for the benefit of the Optionee’s Immediate Family shall be exempt from the Right of First Refusal. As used herein, “Immediate Family” shall mean spouse, lineal descendant or antecedent, father, mother, brother or sister or stepchild (whether or not adopted). In such case, the transferee or other recipient shall receive and hold the Shares so Transferred subject to the provisions of this Section 4 (including the Right of First Refusal) and there shall be no further Transfer of such Shares except in accordance with the terms of this Section 4.
4.3. Termination of Right of First Refusal . The Right of First Refusal shall terminate as to all Shares upon a sale of Common Stock of the Company to the general public pursuant to a registration statement filed with and declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (a “Public Offering”).
5. Transfer Restrictions . Any transfer or sale of the Shares is subject to restrictions on transfer imposed by any applicable state and federal securities laws. Any Transfer or attempted Transfer of any of the Shares not in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including the Right of First Refusal provided in this Agreement, shall be void and the Company may enforce the terms of this Agreement by stop transfer instructions or similar actions by the Company and its agents or designees.
6. Tax Consultation . Optionee understands that Optionee may suffer adverse tax consequences as a result of Optionee’s purchase or disposition of the Shares. Optionee represents that Optionee has consulted with any tax consultants Optionee deems advisable in connection with the purchase or disposition of the Shares and that Optionee is not relying on the Company for any tax advice.
7. Investment Representations . In connection with the purchase of the Shares, the Optionee represents to the Company the following.
7.1.1. Optionee is aware of the Company’s business affairs and financial condition and has acquired sufficient information about the Company to reach an informed and knowledgeable decision to acquire the Shares. Optionee is purchasing these securities for investment for his or her own account only and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any “distribution” thereof within the meaning of the Securities Act or under any applicable provision of state law. Optionee does not have any present intention to transfer the Shares to any person or entity.
7.1.2. Optionee understands that the Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act by reason of a specific exemption therefrom, which exemption depends upon, among other things, the bona fide nature of Optionee’s investment intent as expressed herein.
7.1.3. Optionee further acknowledges and understands that the securities must be held indefinitely unless they are subsequently registered under the Securities Act or an exemption from such registration is available. Optionee further acknowledges and understands that the Company is under no obligation to register the securities. Optionee understands that the certificate(s) evidencing the securities will be imprinted with a legend which prohibits the transfer of the securities unless they are registered or such registration is not required in the opinion of counsel for the Company.
7.1.4. Optionee is familiar with the provisions of Rules 144 and 701, each promulgated under the Securities Act, which, in substance, permit limited public resale of “restricted securities” acquired, directly or indirectly, from the issuer of the securities (or from an affiliate of such issuer), in a non-public offering subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. Optionee understands that the Company provides no assurances as to whether he or she will be able to resell any or all of the Shares pursuant to Rule 144 or Rule 701, which rules require, among other things, that the Company be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that resales of securities take place only after the holder of the Shares has held the Shares for certain specified time periods, and under certain circumstances, that resales of securities be limited in volume and take place only pursuant to brokered transactions. Notwithstanding this paragraph (d), Optionee acknowledges and agrees to the restrictions set forth in paragraph (e) below.
7.1.5. Optionee further understands that in the event all of the applicable requirements of Rule 144 or 701 are not satisfied, registration under the Securities Act, compliance with Regulation A, or some other registration exemption will be required; and that, notwithstanding the fact that Rules 144 and 701 are not exclusive, the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission has expressed its opinion that persons proposing to sell private placement securities other than in a registered offering and otherwise than pursuant to Rule 144 or 701 will have a substantial burden of proof in establishing that an exemption from registration is available for such offers or sales, and that such persons and their respective brokers who participate in such transactions do so at their own risk.
7.1.6. Optionee understands that Optionee may suffer adverse tax consequences as a result of Optionee’s purchase or disposition of the Shares. Optionee represents that Optionee has consulted any tax consultants Optionee deems advisable in connection with the purchase or disposition of the Shares and that Optionee is not relying on the Company for any tax advice.
8. Restrictive Legends and StopTransfer Orders.
8.1. Legends . Optionee understands and agrees that the Company shall cause the legends set forth below or legends substantially equivalent thereto, to be placed upon any certificate(s) evidencing ownership of the Shares together with any other legends that may be required by state or federal securities laws:
8.2. StopTransfer Notices . Optionee agrees that, in order to ensure compliance with the restrictions referred to herein, the Company may issue appropriate “stop transfer” instructions to its transfer agent, if any, and that, if the Company transfers its own securities, it may make appropriate notations to the same effect in its own records.
8.3. Refusal to Transfer . The Company shall not be required (i) to transfer on its books any Shares that have been sold or otherwise transferred in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or (ii) to treat as owner of such Shares or to accord the right to vote or pay dividends to any purchaser or other transferee to whom such Shares shall have been so transferred.
9. No Employment Rights . Nothing in this Agreement shall affect in any manner whatsoever the right or power of the Company, or a parent or subsidiary of the Company, to terminate Purchaser’s employment or consulting relationship, for any reason, with or without cause.
10.1. Successors and Assigns . The Company may assign any of its rights under this Agreement to single or multiple assignees, and this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Company. Subject to the restrictions on transfer herein set forth, this Agreement shall be binding upon Optionee and his or her heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
10.2. Interpretation . Any dispute regarding the interpretation of this Agreement shall be submitted by Optionee or by the Company forthwith to the Company’s Board of Directors or committee thereof that is responsible for the administration of the Plan (the “Administrator”), which shall review such dispute at its next regular meeting. The resolution of such a dispute by the Administrator shall be final and binding on the Company and on Optionee.
10.3. Governing Law; Severability . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware excluding that body of law pertaining to conflicts of law. Should any provision of this Agreement be determined by a court of law to be illegal or unenforceable, the other provisions shall nevertheless remain effective and shall remain enforceable.
10.4. Notices . Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon personal delivery or upon deposit in the United States mail by certified mail, with postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the other party at its address as shown below beneath its signature, or to such other address as such party may designate in writing from time to time to the other party.
10.5. Delivery of Payment . The Optionee herewith delivers to the Company the full Exercise Price for the Shares, as well as any applicable withholding tax.
10.6. Entire Agreement . The Plan and Option Agreement are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, the Plan, the Option Agreement and the Investment Representation Statement constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede in their entirety all prior undertakings and agreements of the Company and Optionee with respect to the subject matter hereof.
Optionee represents that he or she has read this Agreement and is familiar with its terms and provisions. Optionee hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Board or other administrator of the Plan upon any questions arising under this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Stock Option Exercise Agreement is deemed made as of the date first set forth above.
Name:[ Comapny Representative Name ]
Title:[ Representative Title ]
Name:[ Optionee Name ]
Address:[ Optionee Address ]
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The Fuller Family: Meet Sloan Levett.
As a Partner at Fuller Landau and President of our Family Office Services group, Sloan Levett is an established authority on wealth advisory strategy for high net-worth individuals and their families. His proactive and results-oriented approach to service has made…
The Fuller Family: Meet Ellis Orlan, Co-Leader of our Business Enterprise Solutions Team.
Meet Ellis Orlan, a Principal at Fuller Landau LLP, and Co-Leader of our thriving Business Enterprise Solutions Team (BEST). Although Ellis is one of the newer members of our leadership team, he comes to us with many years of experience…
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&نسخ؛ 2018 Fuller Landau Toronto. جميع الحقوق محفوظة.
جيلاد سسينسس، إنك.
أ. أوبتيوني هو تقديم خدمات قيمة للمؤسسة (أو كيان ذي صلة)، ويتم تنفيذ هذه الاتفاقية عملا، ويهدف إلى تنفيذ أغراض الخطة فيما يتعلق بمنحة المؤسسة من الخيار أوبتيوني.
ب - يجب أن يكون لكل المصطلحات المرسملة في هذه الاتفاقية المعنى المعين لها في الملحق المرفق.
الآن، وبناء على ذلك، تمنح المؤسسة بموجب هذا الخيار خيار أوبتيوني بناء على الشروط والأحكام التالية:
1. منح الخيار. تمنح المؤسسة بموجب ذلك إلى الشخص المحدد في الجدول الأول المرفق (الخيار & # 147؛ أوبتيوني & # 148؛) لشراء أسهم الأسهم المشتركة بموجب الخطة. تاريخ منح هذا الخيار (& # 147؛ تاريخ المنح & # 148؛)، وعدد أسهم الأسهم المشتركة القابلة للشراء بموجب هذا الخيار (& # 147؛ أسهم الأسهم & # 148؛)، وسعر التمرين المستحق لكل (& # 147؛ إكسيرسيس برايس & # 148؛)، وجدول الاستحقاق الساري المفعول الذي يمنح بموجبه هذا الخيار ويصبح قابلا للممارسة بصورة تدريجية لأسهم الخيار ("& # 147؛" الجدول الزمني للإنهاء & # 148؛) والتاريخ الذي سيتم استخدامه لقياس المدة القصوى لهذا الخيار (يشار إلى & # 147؛ تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية & # 148؛) أيضا في الجدول المرفق الأول بهذه الاتفاقية. والخیار ھو خیار غیر قانوني بموجب قوانین ضریبة الدخل الفدرالیة الأمریکیة. يجب أن تكون البنود والشروط المتبقية التي تحكم هذا الخيار كما هو مبين في هذا الاتفاق.
2. الخيار الخيار. وتبدأ مدة هذا الخيار في تاريخ المنح وستظل سارية المفعول حتى انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المحدد في الجدول المرفق الأول، ما لم يتم إنهاؤه في وقت أقرب وفقا للفقرة 5 أو 6 أدناه.
3. محدودة نقل.
(أ) يمكن تعيين هذا الخيار كليا أو جزئيا خلال حياة أوبتيوني على حياة ليفينغ تروست. لا يجوز ممارسة الجزء المخصص إلا من قبل ليفينغ تروست. وتكون الشروط المنطبقة على الجزء المخصص هي نفس الشروط المعمول بها بالنسبة للخيار قبل هذا الاحالة مباشرة، وتحدد في تلك الوثائق التي ينفذها الخبير والوثيقة الحية حسبما تراه المؤسسة مناسبا.
(ب) باستثناء قابلية النقل المحدودة المنصوص عليها في الفقرة 3 (أ)، لا يكون هذا الخيار قابلا للنقل أو قابلا للتحويل من قبل الخيار إلا بإرادته أو قوانين الميراث بعد وفاة أوبتيوني، ويمكن ممارسته، 146؛ s عمر، فقط بواسطة أوبتيوني. ومع ذلك، يجوز لشركة أوبتيوني تعيين شخص أو أكثر كمستفيد أو مستفيد من هذا الخيار من خلال استكمال استمارة تعيين المستفيدين من المؤسسة وتقديم النموذج المكتمل مع إدارة الموارد البشرية بالمؤسسة. في حالة قيام أوبتيوني بتعبئة نموذج تسمية المستفيد العام ويموت أثناء االحتفاظ بهذا الخيار، يتم نقل هذا الخيار تلقائيا إلى المعين.
المستفيدين أو المستفيدين. يجب على هذا المستفيد أو المستفيدين أن يأخذوا الخيار المحول وفقا لجميع أحكام وشروط هذه الاتفاقية، بما في ذلك (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر) الفترة الزمنية المحدودة التي يجوز خلالها ممارسة هذا الخيار، وفقا للفقرة 5 أدناه، بعد وفاة الخبير .
4. مواعيد التمرين. يجب أن يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ لأسهم الخيار في سلسلة من الأقساط وفقا لجدول الاستحقاق المبين في الجدول الأول المرفق. وعندما يصبح الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ لهذه الأقساط، تتراكم هذه الأقساط، ويظل الخيار قابلة للتطبیق علی الأقساط المتراکمة حتی آخر یوم عمل قبل تاریخ انتھاء الصلاحیة أو أي إنھاء عاجل لمصطلح الخیار بموجب الفقرة 5 أو 6 أدناه.
5 - وقف الخدمة. ينتهي مصطلح الخيار المحدد في الفقرة 2 أعلاه (ويصبح هذا الخيار غير مستحق) قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية في حالة سريان أي من الأحكام التالية:
(أ) ما لم ينص صراحة على خلاف ذلك صراحة في الفقرات الفرعية (ب) إلى (و) من هذه الفقرة 5، إذا توقف أوبتيون عن البقاء في الخدمة المستمرة لأي سبب من الأسباب في حين أن هذا الخيار لا يزال قائما، عندئذ يكون أوبتيوني حتى انتهاء العمل على آخر يوم عمل قبل انقضاء فترة الثلاثة (3) أشهر التي تقاس من تاريخ وقف الخدمة المستمرة التي يتم خلالها ممارسة هذا الخيار لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيارات التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا عليها وممكنا ممارستها وقت إيقاف خدمة أوبتيونى للخدمة المستمرة، ولكن في أي حال من الأحوال يكون هذا الخيار قابلا للتطبيق في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(ب) في حالة توقف أوبتيوني عن الخدمة المستمرة بسبب وفاته في حين أن هذا الخيار قائم، يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار، بالنسبة لأي أو كل أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وممكنا ممارستها في وقت وقف الخدمة المستمرة عن طريق (1) الممثل الشخصي لممتلكات أوبتيون أو (2) الشخص أو الأشخاص الذين ينقل إليهم الخيار وفقا لقوانين أوبتيون أو قوانين الميراث بعد وفاة أوبتيوني. ومع ذلك، إذا توفي أوبتيوني في حين يحمل هذا الخيار وله تعيين المستفيد الفعال في هذا الخيار في وقت وفاته، ثم يكون المستفيد أو المستفيدين المعينين لهم الحق الحصري في ممارسة هذا الخيار بعد أوبتيوني الموت. وينتهي هذا الحق في ممارسة هذا الخيار، وينتهي هذا الخيار بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل ما قبل (1) انتهاء فترة الاثني عشر (12) شهرا التي تقاس من تاريخ وفاة أوبتيونى أو (2) تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية. عند انقضاء فترة التمارين المحدودة، ينتهي هذا الخيار ويصبح مستحق السداد لأي أسهم خيارات قابلة للممارسة والتي لم يمارس الخيار على خلاف ذلك.
(ج) إذا توقف أوبتيوني عن الخدمة المستمرة بسبب العجز الدائم في حين أن هذا الخيار لا يزال مستحقا، فسيكون لدى أوبتيوني حتى انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل انقضاء فترة الاثني عشر (12) شهرا المقاسة من التاريخ من هذا التوقف عن الخدمة المستمرة التي يمارس فيها هذا الخيار لأي من أو جميع أسهم الخيارات التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وقابلا للممارسة وقت توقف الخدمة المستمرة. ومع ذلك، في أي حال من الأحوال، هل يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(د) ما لم تستبعد القوانين المعمول بها خلاف ذلك، يجب على (1) أن يوقف أوبتيون الخدمة المستمرة بعد إكمال ثلاث سنوات على الأقل من الخدمة المستمرة و (2) مجموع عمر أوبتيون الذي تم بلوغه والسنوات المكتملة الخدمة المستمرة في وقت التوقف عن الخدمة تساوي أو تتجاوز سبعين (70) سنة، ثم يكون أوبتيون حتى نهاية العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل انتهاء فترة الستة والثلاثين (36) شهرا التي تقاس من تاريخ وقف الخدمة المستمرة الذي يمارس فيه هذا الخيار لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار مستحقا وقابلا للممارسة وقت توقف الخدمة المستمرة. ومع ذلك، في أي حال من الأحوال، هل يمكن ممارسة هذا الخيار في أي وقت بعد انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(ه) يمتد تلقائيا فترة سريان مفعول الممارسة بعد انتهاء الخدمة المعمول بها عملا بالأحكام السالفة الذكر في هذه الفقرة 5 بفترة زمنية إضافية تساوي المدة إلى أي فاصل زمني في فترة ممارسة ما بعد الخدمة التي تمارس خلالها لا يمكن تنفيذ هذا الخيار أو البيع الفوري لأسهم الخيار المكتسبة بموجب هذا الخيار وفقا لقوانين الأوراق المالية الاتحادية والولائية المعمول بها، ولكن في أي حال من الأحوال يؤدي هذا التمديد إلى استمرار هذا الخيار بعد انتهاء العمل على آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية.
(و) إذا تم إنهاء خدمة أوبتيوني المستمرة للسبب، أو ينبغي أن يشارك أوبتيوني في أي سلوك آخر، أثناء الخدمة المستمرة أو بعد توقف الخدمة المستمرة، وهو ما يلحق ضررا ماديا بأعمال الشركة أو شؤونها (أو أي كيان ذي صلة)، على النحو الذي يحدده مدير البرنامج وحده، فإن هذا الخيار، سواء كان مستحقا أو قابلا للممارسة في ذلك الوقت، ينتهي على الفور ويتوقف عن السداد.
(ز) خلال الفترة المحدودة لممارسة الخدمة بعد انتهاء الخدمة المنصوص عليها في هذه الفقرة 5، لا يجوز ممارسة هذا الخيار في المجموع لأكثر من عدد أسهم الخيار التي يكون هذا الخيار في الوقت المحدد فيها وممكن ممارستها. باستثناء هذا الحد (إن وجد) الذي أذن به المسؤول بشكل خاص بموجب اتفاق مكتوب صريح مع الخبير، لا يحق لهذا الخيار أو يصبح قابلا للممارسة لأي أسهم خيار إضافية، سواء وفقا لجدول الانتصاف العادي المبين في الجدول الأول المرفق أو أحكام تسريع الاستحقاق الخاصة الواردة في الفقرة 6 أدناه، بعد انتهاء الخدمة من قبل الخبير. عند انتهاء فترة التمارين المحدودة هذه أو (إذا كان ذلك سابقا) عند انتهاء العمل في آخر يوم عمل قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية، ينتهي هذا الخيار ويصبح مستحق السداد لأي أسهم خيار قابلة للممارسة والتي لم يتغير الخيار .
6 - التعجيل بخيار خاص.
(أ) يسرع هذا الخيار، إلى الحد الذي لا يزال قائما وقت حدوث تغيير فعلي في المراقبة، ولكن لا يمكن ممارسته بالكامل، بحيث يصبح هذا الخيار قابلا للتنفيذ، مباشرة قبل التاريخ الفعلي لهذا التغيير في المراقبة من أسهم الخيار في ذلك الوقت الخاضع لهذا الخيار ويمكن ممارسته لأي من أو كل أسهم الخيار هذه كأسهم مكتملة بالكامل من الأسهم العادية. ومع ذلك، فإن هذا الخيار لن يصبح قابلا للممارسة على هذا الأساس المعجل إذا كان وإلى الحد: (1) هذا.
(أو أي من الوالدين) أو أن يستمر في العمل بكامل طاقته وأثره وفقا لشروط معاملة التغيير في السيطرة، (2) أن يستبدل هذا الخيار بديلا معادلا من الناحية الاقتصادية (3) يتم استبدال هذا الخيار ببرنامج الاحتفاظ النقدي للشركة الخلف الذي يحافظ على انتشار القائمة في وقت التغيير في السيطرة على أي أسهم الخيار التي لا يكون هذا الخيار غير ذلك في ذلك الوقت المخولة والممارسة (الزيادة في القيمة السوقية العادلة لأسهم الخيار على إجمالي سعر التمارين المستحق الدفع لهذه الأسهم) وينص على الاستحقاق اللاحق والعائد المتزامن لهذا الانتشار وفقا لنفس جدول الاستحقاق لأسهم الخيارات المذكورة في الملحق الجدول الأول.
(b) Immediately following the consummation of the Change in Control, this option shall terminate and cease to be outstanding, except to the extent assumed by the successor corporation (or parent thereof) or otherwise continued in effect pursuant to the terms of the Change in Control transaction.
(c) If this option is assumed in connection with a Change in Control or otherwise continued in effect, then this option shall be appropriately adjusted, immediately after such Change in Control, to apply to the number and class of securities into which the shares of Common Stock subject to this option would have been converted in consummation of such Change in Control had those shares actually been outstanding at the time. Appropriate adjustments shall also be made to the Exercise Price, provided the aggregate Exercise Price shall remain the same. To the extent the actual holders of the Corporations outstanding Common Stock receive cash consideration for their Common Stock in consummation of the Change in Control, the successor corporation may, in connection with the assumption or continuation of this option but subject to the Administrators approval, substitute one or more shares of its own common stock with a fair market value equivalent to the cash consideration paid per share of Common Stock in such Change in Control, provided such common stock is readily tradable on an established U. S. securities exchange or market.
(d) If this option is assumed or otherwise continued in effect in connection with a Change in Control or replaced with an economically-equivalent award or a cash retention program in accordance with Paragraph 6(a) above, then:
(i) the option (or such economically equivalent award) shall vest and become immediately exercisable for all of the Option Shares or other securities at the time subject to the option (or such award) and may, within the applicable exercise period under Paragraph 5, be exercised for any or all of those Option Shares or other securities as fully vested shares or securities, or.
(ii) the balance credited to Optionee under any cash retention program established pursuant to Paragraph 6(a) shall immediately be paid to Optionee in a lump sum, subject to the Corporations collection of all applicable Withholding Taxes;
if, within the period beginning with the execution date of the definitive agreement for the Change in Control transaction and ending with the earlier of (i) the termination of that definitive agreement without the consummation of such Change in Control or (ii) the expiration of the.
Applicable Acceleration Period following the consummation of such Change in Control, Optionees Continuous Service terminates due to an involuntary termination (other than for death or Permanent Disability) without Cause or a voluntary termination by Optionee due to Constructive Termination.
(e) This Agreement shall not in any way affect the right of the Corporation to adjust, reclassify, reorganize or otherwise change its capital or business structure or to merge, consolidate, dissolve, liquidate or sell or transfer all or any part of its business or assets.
7. Adjustment in Option Shares . Should any change be made to the Common Stock by reason of any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, combination of shares, exchange of shares, spin-off transaction, or other change affecting the outstanding Common Stock as a class without the Corporations receipt of consideration, or should the value of outstanding shares of Common Stock be substantially reduced as a result of a spin-off transaction or an extraordinary dividend or distribution, or should there occur any merger, consolidation or other reorganization, then equitable and proportional adjustments shall be made by the Administrator to (i) the total number and/or class of securities subject to this option and (ii) the Exercise Price. The adjustments shall be made in such manner as the Administrator deems appropriate in order to reflect such change and thereby prevent the dilution or enlargement of benefits hereunder, and those adjustments shall be final, binding and conclusive upon Optionee and any other person or persons having an interest in the option. In the event of any Change in Control transaction, the adjustment provisions of Paragraph 6(c) above shall be controlling.
8. Stockholder Rights . The holder of this option shall not have any stockholder rights with respect to the Option Shares until such person shall have exercised the option, paid the Exercise Price and become a holder of record of the purchased shares.
9. Manner of Exercising Option .
(a) In order to exercise this option with respect to all or any part of the Option Shares for which this option is at the time exercisable, Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising the option) must take the following actions:
(i) Execute and deliver to the Corporation a Notice of Exercise as to the Option Shares for which the option is exercised or comply with such other procedures as the Corporation may establish for notifying the Corporation, either directly or through an on-line internet transaction with a brokerage firm authorized by the Corporation to effect such option exercises, of the exercise of this option for one or more Option Shares. Copies of the Notice of Exercise may be obtained from the Corporations intranet at gnet/finance/doc/noe. doc.
(ii) Pay the aggregate Exercise Price for the purchased shares in one or more of the following forms:
(A) cash or check made payable to the Corporation; أو.
(B) through a special sale and remittance procedure pursuant to which Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising the option) shall concurrently provide irrevocable instructions (i) to a brokerage firm (reasonably satisfactory to the Corporation for purposes of administering such procedure in accordance with the Corporations pre-clearance/pre-notification policies) to effect the immediate sale of all or a sufficient portion of the purchased shares so that such brokerage firm can remit to the Corporation, on the settlement date, sufficient funds out of the resulting sale proceeds to cover the aggregate Exercise Price payable for all the purchased shares plus all applicable Withholding Taxes and (ii) to the Corporation to deliver the certificates for the purchased shares directly to such brokerage firm on such settlement date.
Except to the extent the sale and remittance procedure is utilized in connection with the option exercise, payment of the Exercise Price must accompany the Notice of Exercise (or other notification procedure) delivered to the Corporation in connection with the option exercise.
(iii) Furnish to the Corporation appropriate documentation that the person or persons exercising the option (if other than Optionee) have the right to exercise this option.
(iv) Make appropriate arrangements with the Corporation (or Parent or Subsidiary employing or retaining Optionee) for the satisfaction of all applicable Withholding Taxes.
(b) As soon as practical after the Exercise Date, the Corporation shall issue to or on behalf of Optionee (or any other person or persons exercising this option) a certificate for the purchased Option Shares (either in paper or electronic form), with the appropriate legends affixed thereto.
(c) In no event may this option be exercised for any fractional shares.
10. Compliance with Laws and Regulations .
(a) The exercise of this option and the issuance of the Option Shares upon such exercise shall be subject to compliance by the Corporation and Optionee with all Applicable Laws relating thereto.
(b) The inability of the Corporation to obtain approval from any regulatory body having authority deemed by the Corporation to be necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Common Stock pursuant to this option shall relieve the Corporation of.
any liability with respect to the non-issuance or sale of the Common Stock as to which such approval shall not have been obtained. The Corporation, however, shall use its best efforts to obtain all such approvals.
11. Successors and Assigns . Except to the extent otherwise provided in Paragraphs 3 and 6 above, the provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Corporation and its successors and assigns and Optionee, Optionees assigns, the legal representatives, heirs and legatees of Optionees estate and any beneficiaries of this option designated by Optionee.
12. Notices . Any notice required to be given or delivered to the Corporation under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and addressed to the Corporation at its principal corporate offices. Any notice required to be given or delivered to Optionee shall be in writing and addressed to Optionee at the most current address then indicated for Optionee on the Corporations employee records or shall be delivered electronically to Optionee through the Corporations electronic mail system or through an on-line brokerage firm authorized by the Corporation to effect option exercises through the internet. All notices shall be deemed effective upon personal delivery or delivery through the Corporations electronic mail system or upon deposit in the U. S. mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed to the party to be notified.
13. Construction . This Agreement and the option evidenced hereby are made and granted pursuant to the Plan and are in all respects limited by and subject to the terms of the Plan. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the terms of the Plan, the terms of the Plan shall be controlling. All decisions of the Administrator with respect to any question or issue arising under the Plan or this Agreement shall be conclusive and binding on all persons having an interest in this option.
14- القانون الواجب التطبيق. The interpretation, performance and enforcement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California without resort to Californias conflict-of-laws rules.
15. Excess Shares . If the Option Shares covered by this Agreement exceed, as of the Grant Date, the number of shares of Common Stock which may without stockholder approval be issued under the Plan, then this option shall be void with respect to those excess shares, unless stockholder approval of an amendment sufficiently increasing the number of shares of Common Stock issuable under the Plan is obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Plan. In no event shall the option be exercisable with respect to any of the excess Option Shares unless and until such stockholder approval is obtained.
16. Leaves of Absence . The following provisions shall govern leaves of absence, except to the extent the application of such provisions to Optionee would contravene Applicable Laws.
(a) For purposes of this Agreement, Optionees Continuous Service shall not be deemed to cease during any period for which Optionee is on a military leave, sick leave or other personal leave approved by the Corporation. However, Optionee shall not receive any Continuous Service credit, for purposes of vesting in this option and the Option Shares.
pursuant to the Vesting Schedule set forth in attached Schedule I, for any period of such leave of absence, except to the extent otherwise required by law or pursuant to the following policy:
- Optionee shall receive Continuous Service credit for such vesting purposes for (i) the first three (3) months of an approved personal leave of absence or (ii) the first seven (7) months of any bona fide leave of absence (other than an approved personal leave), but in no event beyond the expiration date of such leave of absence.
(b) In no event shall Optionee be deemed to remain in Continuous Service at any time after the earlier of (i) the expiration date of his or her leave of absence, unless Optionee returns to active Continuous Service on or before that date, or (ii) the date Optionees Continuous Service actually terminates by reason of his or her voluntary or involuntary termination or by reason of his or her death or disability.
17. Employment at Will . Nothing in this Agreement or in the Plan shall confer upon Optionee any right to remain in Employee status for any period of specific duration or interfere with or otherwise restrict in any way the rights of the Corporation (or any Related Entity employing Optionee) or of Optionee, which rights are hereby expressly reserved by each, to terminate Optionees Employee status at any time for any reason, with or without Cause.
18. Plan Prospectus . The official prospectus for the Plan is available on the Corporations intranet at: gnet/HR/stocks_new. asp . Optionee may also obtain a printed copy of the prospectus by contacting Stock Administration either through the internet at stockadministration@gilead or by telephoning 650-522-5517.
19. Optionee Acceptance . Optionee must accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement either electronically through the electronic acceptance procedure established by the Corporation or through a written acceptance delivered to the Corporation in a form satisfactory to the Corporation. In no event shall this option be exercised in the absence of such acceptance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gilead Sciences, Inc. has caused this Agreement to be executed on its behalf by its duly-authorized officer on the day and year first indicated above.
The following definitions shall be in effect under the Agreement:
A. Administrator shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board (or a subcommittee thereof) acting in its capacity as administrator of the Plan.
B. Agreement shall mean this Stock Option Agreement.
C. Applicable Acceleration Period shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 2(b) of the Plan and shall be determined on the basis of Optionees status on the Grant Date.
D. Applicable Laws shall mean the legal requirements related to the Plan and the option under applicable provisions of the federal securities laws, state corporate and state securities laws, the Code, the rules of any applicable Stock Exchange on which the Common Stock is listed for trading, and the rules of any non-U. S. jurisdiction applicable to options granted to residents therein.
E. Board shall mean the Corporations Board of Directors.
F. Cause shall, for purposes of Paragraph 5 of the Agreement, mean the termination of Optionees Continuous Service as a result of Optionees (i) performance of any act, or failure to perform any act, in bad faith and to the detriment of the Corporation or a Related Entity; (ii) dishonesty, intentional misconduct, material violation of any applicable Corporation or Related Entity policy, or material breach of any agreement with the Corporation or a Related Entity; or (iii) commission of a crime involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or physical or emotional harm to any person. However, for purposes of Paragraph 6(d) of the Agreement, Cause shall mean the termination of Optionees Continuous Service as a result of Optionees (a) conviction of, a guilty plea with respect to, or a plea of nolo contendere to, a charge that Optionee has committed a felony under the laws of the United States or of any State or a crime involving moral turpitude, including (without limitation) fraud, theft, embezzlement or any crime that results in or is intended to result in personal enrichment to Optionee at the expense of the Corporation or a Related Entity; (b) material breach of any agreement entered into between Optionee and the Corporation or a Related Entity that impairs the Corporations or the Related Entitys interest therein; (c) willful misconduct, significant failure to perform his or her duties or gross neglect of his or her duties; or (d) engagement in any activity that constitutes a material conflict of interest with the Corporation or a Related Entity.
G. Change in Control shall mean a change in ownership or control of the Corporation effected through any of the following transactions:
(i) a merger, consolidation or other reorganization approved by the Corporations stockholders, unless securities representing more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the voting securities of the.
successor corporation are immediately thereafter beneficially owned, directly or indirectly and in substantially the same proportion, by the persons who beneficially owned the Corporations outstanding voting securities immediately prior to such transaction;
(ii) a sale, transfer or other disposition of all or substantially all of the Corporations assets;
(iii) the closing of any transaction or series of related transactions pursuant to which any person or any group of persons comprising a group within the meaning of Rule 13d-5(b)(1) of the 1934 Act (other than the Corporation or a person that, prior to such transaction or series of related transactions, directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Corporation) becomes directly or indirectly (whether as a result of a single acquisition or by reason of one or more acquisitions within the twelve - (12) month period ending with the most recent acquisition) the beneficial owner (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the 1934 Act) of securities possessing (or convertible into or exercisable for securities possessing) more than fifty percent (50%) of the total combined voting power of the Corporations outstanding securities (as measured in terms of the power to vote with respect to the election of Board members) outstanding immediately after the consummation of such transaction or series of related transactions, whether such transaction involves a direct issuance from the Corporation or th e acquisition of outstanding securities held by one or more of the Corporations existing stockholders; أو.
(iv) a change in the composition of the Board over a period of twelve (12) consecutive months or less such that a majority of the Board members ceases, by reason of one or more contested elections for Board membership, to be comprised of individuals who either (a) have been Board members continuously since the beginning of such period or (b) have been elected or nominated for election as Board members during such period by at least a majority of the Board members described in clause (A) above who were still in office at the time the Board approved such election or nomination.
In no event, however, shall a Change in Control be deemed to occur upon a merger, consolidation or other reorganization effected primarily to change the State of the Corporations incorporation or to create a holding company structure pursuant to which the Corporation becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity whose outstanding voting securities immediately after its formation are beneficially owned, directly or indirectly, and in substantially the same proportion, by the persons who beneficially owned the Corporations outstanding voting securities immediately prior to the formation of such entity.
H. Code shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
I. Common Stock shall mean shares of the Corporations common stock.
J. Constructive Termination shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 11(d) of the Plan.
K. Consultant shall mean any person, including an advisor, who is compensated by the Corporation or any Related Entity for services performed as a non-employee consultant; provided, however, that the term Consultant shall not include non-employee Directors serving in their capacity as Board members. The term Consultant shall include a member of the board of directors of a Related Entity.
L. Continuous Service shall mean the performance of services for the Corporation or a Related Entity (whether now existing or subsequently established) by a person in the capacity of an Employee, Director or Consultant. For purposes of this Agreement, Optionee shall be deemed to cease Continuous Service immediately upon the occurrence of either of the following events: (i) Optionee no longer performs services in any of the foregoing capacities for the Corporation or any Related Entity or (ii) the entity for which Optionee is performing such services ceases to remain a Related Entity of the Corporation, even though Optionee may subsequently continue to perform services for that entity. In jurisdictions requiring notice in advance of an effective termination of Optionees service as an Employee, Director or Consultant, Continuous Service shall be deemed terminated upon the actual cessation of such service to the Corporation or a Related Entity notwithstanding any required notice period that must be fulfilled before Optionees termination as an Employee, Director or Consultant can be effective under Applicable Laws.
M. Corporation shall mean Gilead Sciences, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and any successor corporation to all or substantially all of the assets or voting stock of Gilead Sciences, Inc. which shall by appropriate action adopt the Plan.
N. Director shall mean a member of the Board.
O. Employee shall mean an individual who is in the employ of the Corporation (or any Related Entity), subject to the control and direction of the employer entity as to both the work to be performed and the manner and method of performance.
P. Exercise Date shall mean the date on which the option shall have been exercised in accordance with Paragraph 9 of the Agreement.
Q. Exercise Price shall mean the exercise price payable per Option Share as specified in attached Schedule I.
R. Expiration Date shall mean the date specified on attached Schedule I for measuring the maximum term for which the option may remain outstanding.
S. Fair Market Value per share of Common Stock on any relevant date shall be the closing price per share of Common Stock (or the closing bid, if no sales were reported) on that date, as quoted on the Stock Exchange that is at the time serving as the primary trading market for the Common Stock; provided, however, that if there no reported closing price or.
closing bid for that date, then the closing price or closing bid, as applicable, for the last trading date on which such closing price or closing bid was quoted shall be determinative of such Fair Market Value. The applicable quoted price shall be as reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source as the Administrator deems reliable.
T. Grant Date shall mean the date on which the option is granted, as specified on attached Schedule I.
U. Living Trust shall mean a revocable living trust established by Optionee or by Optionee and his or her spouse of which Optionee is the sole trustee (or sole co-trustee with his or her spouse) and sole beneficiary (or sole co-beneficiary with his or her spouse) during Optionees lifetime.
V. 1934 Act shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended from time to time.
W. Non-Statutory Option shall mean an option not intended to satisfy the requirements of Code Section 422.
X. Notice of Exercise shall mean the notice of option exercise in the form authorized by the Corporation.
Y. Option Shares shall mean the number of shares of Common Stock subject to the option as specified in attached Schedule I.
Z. Optionee shall mean the person identified in attached Schedule I to whom the option is granted pursuant to the Agreement.
AA. Parent shall mean a parent corporation, whether now existing or hereafter established, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.
BB. Permanent Disability shall mean the inability of Optionee to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which is expected to result in death or to be of continuous duration of twelve (12) months or more.
CC. Plan shall mean the Corporations 2004 Equity Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time.
DD. Related Entity shall mean (i) any Parent or Subsidiary of the Corporation and (ii) any corporation in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning with the Corporation and ending with the corporation in the chain for which Optionee provides services as an Employee, Director or Consultant, provided each corporation in such chain owns securities representing at least twenty percent (20%) of the total outstanding voting power of the outstanding securities of another corporation or entity in such chain and there is a legitimate non-tax business purpose for making this option grant to Optionee.
EE. Stock Exchange shall mean the American Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq Global or Global Select Market or the New York Stock Exchange.
FF. Subsidiary shall mean a subsidiary corporation, whether now existing or hereafter established, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.
GG. Vesting Schedule shall mean the schedule set forth in attached Schedule I, pursuant to which the option is to vest and become exercisable for the Option Shares in a series of installments over Optionees period of Continuous Service.
HH. Withholding Taxes shall mean the federal, state, local and/or foreign income taxes and the employee portion of the federal, state, local and/or foreign employment taxes required to be withheld by the Corporation in connection with the exercise of the option.
Total Number of Option Shares: «SHARES_GRANTED»
The option will vest and become exercisable for the number of Option Shares noted on the first line above on the first anniversary of the Grant Date, as noted by the date listed under Full Vest Date. With respect to each subsequent line, the option will vest and become exercisable for the listed Option Shares in equal quarterly installments, beginning one quarter after the Full Vest Date on the previous line and ending on the corresponding Full Vest Date for the listed Option Shares at issue. Fractional shares will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.
الحصول على نماذج قانونية مجانية.
اتفاقية خيار الأسهم.
This Stock Option Agreement (“Agreement”) is made by and between ____________ (“Optionor”) and ______________________ (“Optionee”).
The Optionor is the legal and beneficial owner of __________ authorized shares (“Optionor Shares”) in the capital stock of __________________ (“Corporation”). The Optionor wishes to grant to the Optionee and the Optionee wishes to accept from the.
Optionor, an option to purchase _____________of the Optionor Shares (“Optioned Shares”).
Therefore in consideration of the premises and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Optionor grants to the Optionee an option (the “Option”) to purchase the Optioned Shares at a purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) of $ _____ per share for an aggregate Purchase Price of $ __________, subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. Option Exercise Period.
The Option may be exercised by the Optionee in whole, not in part, at any time from the date of this Agreement until the day preceding the earlier of (i) ________________, (ii) death of the Optionee, or (iii), the Termination Date of this Option Exercise Period. These options shall terminate on the Termination Date unless exercised by the Optionee prior to it.
2. Exercise of Option.
The Optionee shall, for the purposes of exercising the Option, give to the Optionor notice in writing (“Notice”), accompanied by a bank check payable to the Optionor in the amount of the Purchase Price.
3. Transfer of Optioned Shares.
Upon compliance by the Optionee with all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and upon receipt by the Optionor of (i) the Notice, and (ii) payment of the Purchase Price, the Optionor shall sell and transfer to the Optionee the Optioned Shares and as evidence of it, the Optionor shall execute in favor of the Optionee a form of transfer and an endorsement on the share certificates representing the Optioned Shares, together with other documents to evidence the sale and transfer as the Optionee requests. The Optionor shall also cause the Corporation’s directors to consent to the sale and transfer of the Optioned Shares to the Optionee.
4. Non-Assignability of Option.
The Option is personal to the Optionee. Therefore, the Optionee may not sell, assign or otherwise transfer the Option or any of its rights under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Optionor.
Any notice required by this Agreement or given in connection with it, shall be in writing and shall be given to the appropriate party by personal delivery or a recognized over night delivery service such as FedEx.
If to the Optionor: _____________________________________________________.
If to the Optionee: ___________________________________________________.
The waiver or failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided in this agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy to which the party may be entitled.
7. Entirety of Agreement.
The terms and conditions set forth herein constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any communications or previous agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. There are no written or oral understandings directly or indirectly related to this Agreement that are not set forth herein. No change can be made to this Agreement other than in writing and signed by both parties.
8. Governing Law.
This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of ____________________ and any dispute under this Agreement must be brought in this venue and no other.
9. Headings in this Agreement.
The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only, confirm no rights or obligations in either party, and do not alter any terms of this Agreement.
If any term of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then this Agreement, including all of the remaining terms, will remain in full force and effect as if such invalid or unenforceable term had never been included.
In Witness whereof, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.
اتفاقية خيار الأسهم.
This review list is provided to inform you about the document in question and assist you in its preparation. Stock option agreements are a tricky business for a number of reasons:
1. Many states regard these agreements as falling under employment agreements and/or covenants which opens them up to examination by various labor boards in addition to the Attorney General’s office for fraudulent enticement and other matters. والحجة هي أن خيارات الأسهم يمكن أن تقدم للموظفين "الطعم" لتجنب تلقي رواتب أعلى. Therefore, this is an infringement of various rights, in the eyes of these states, their laws and statutes, and their enforcement officials.
2. Many employees view stock option offers in a similar manner and are not motivated by receiving them, and, to some extent are demotivated by the offer, especially after their families make derogatory comments about the “worth” of these options. In fact, I have had several employees resign when offered options because of personal upset caused by both the potential upside and more likely worthlessness of these options (a common result, of course; however, having said that, if the company works, the options can mean big bucks).
3. In addition, if the Corporation grants these options to any of its employees they then change their role, in part, to being an owner. This is an entirely different relationship than being an employee and often serves to confuse employer and employee alike, when employee turns the table on management and starts cross examining management (their absolute right as shareholders) and offering different suggestions than those of their immediate supervisor (another absolute right of a shareholder to offer suggestions, but in the appropriate forum of course, which is not in the course of their daily employment; but, these distinctions often get muddled among option holders).
4. The safest course is not to offer these at all. This is the unintended consequence of the events and facts enumerated above. However, it is not our role to advocate changing what is, but in suggesting how to deal with things as they are, until they are modified to become friendlier to the option-issuing corporation.
5. I have found the no option approach works best in our company and the last few we have set up. In fact, in classified ads seeking employees, my response level has always been higher and with a more qualified group when I offer regular employment versus when I offer regular employment plus an option or stock opportunity. People have become suspicious of these offers, rightfully or wrongfully. If you want to secure an employee’s commitment to the company, consider an outright issuance of stock so they have what they have and that is that. On the whole, though, you may find it wiser to not issue stock at all to employees. Pay them more instead. It will be simpler and probably cheaper in the long run. The above is business advice only.
6. Legally, you are issuing securities in this agreement and should have the agreement reviewed by an appropriately knowledgeable attorney in securities law. Have both parties sign the Agreement in duplicate, have these Agreements ratified by your Board and inserted into your minute book, and keep an extra copy in the employee’s or other person’s file in your company.
Stock Option Agreement for Equity Incentive Plan.
This stock option agreement is intended to be used under an equity incentive plan (or stock plan). An option agreement grants to the holder of the options a right to purchase stock at a set price sometime in the future. Download this free stock option agreement below.
Need to connect with a labor & محامي العمل بالقرب منك؟
معظم المحامين على أوبكونسيل تقدم استشارات مجانية.
Need to connect with a labor & محامي العمل بالقرب منك؟
معظم المحامين على أوبكونسيل تقدم استشارات مجانية.
Pursuant to its [ Current Year ] Equity Incentive Plan (the “Plan”), as amended from time to time (the “Plan”), [ Company Name ] a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), hereby grants to the Optionee listed below (“Optionee”), an option to purchase the number of shares of the Company’s Common Stock set forth below, subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan and this Stock Option Agreement (this “Option Agreement”). Unless otherwise defined herein, the terms defined in the Plan shall have the same defined meanings in this Option Agreement.
Date of Option Agreement:
[ Option Agreement Date ]
Vesting Start Date:
[ Vesting Start Date ]
Exercise Price per Share:
[ Exercise Price Per Share ]
Total Number of Shares Granted:
[ Number of Shares Granted ]
Total Exercise Price:
_____ Shares Incentive Stock Options.
_____ Shares Non-Statutory Stock Options.
1.1. جدول الاستحقاق. The Shares subject to this Option shall vest according to the following schedule: Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Shares subject to the Option (rounded down to the next whole number of shares) shall vest on the first anniversary of the Vesting Start Date and 1/48th of the Shares subject to the Option shall vest monthly thereafter so that one hundred percent (100%) of the Shares subject to the Option are vested on the fourth anniversary of the Vesting Start Date, subject to the Optionee remaining a Service Provider through each such vesting date (unless otherwise determined by the Administrator).
1.2. Termination Period . This Option may be exercised, to the extent vested, for three (3) months after Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or such longer period as may be applicable upon the death or Disability of Optionee as provided herein (or, if not provided herein, then as provided in the Plan), but in no event later than the Term/Expiration Date as set forth above.
1.3. Transferability . You may not transfer this Option.
2.1. Grant of Option . The Company hereby grants to the Optionee an Option to purchase the number of shares of Common Stock (the “Shares”) set forth in the Notice of Grant, at the exercise price per share set forth in the Notice of Grant (the “Exercise Price”). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary anywhere else in this Option Agreement, this grant of an Option is subject to the terms, definitions and provisions of the Plan, which is incorporated herein by reference.
2.2. Designation of Option . If designated in the Notice of Grant as an Incentive Stock Option, this Option is intended to qualify as an Incentive Stock Option as defined in Section 422 of the Code; provided, however, that to the extent that the aggregate Fair Market Value of the Common Stock with respect to which Incentive Stock Options (within the meaning of Code Section 422, but without regard to Code Section 422(d)), including the Option, are exercisable for the first time by Optionee during any calendar year (under the Plan and all other incentive stock option plans of the Company (or any “parent corporation” or “subsidiary corporation” thereof within the meaning of Code Sections 424(e) or 424(f), respectively)) exceeds $100,000, such options shall be treated as not qualifying under Code Section 422, but rather shall be treated as Non-Qualified Stock Options to the extent required by Code Section 422. The rule set forth in the preceding sentence shall be applied by taking options into account in the order in which they were granted. For purposes of these rules, the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock shall be determined as of the time the option with respect to such stock is granted.
2.3. ممارسة الخيار. This Option is exercisable as follows: This Option shall be exercisable cumulatively according to the vesting schedule set out in the Notice of Grant. For purposes of this Option Agreement, Shares subject to this Option shall vest based on Optionee’s continued status as a Service Provider, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator. This Option may not be exercised for a fraction of a Share. In the event of Optionee’s death, Disability or other termination of Continuous Service Status, the exercisability of this Option is governed by Section 5 below, subject to the limitations contained in this Section 2.3. In no event may this Option be exercised after the Expiration Date set forth in the Notice.
2.3.2. Method of Exercise . This Option shall be exercisable by written notice to the Company (in the form attached as Exhibit A) (the “Exercise Notice”). The Exercise Notice shall state the number of Shares for which the Option is being exercised, and such other representations and agreements with respect to such Shares of Common Stock as may be required by the Company pursuant to the provisions of the Plan. The Exercise Notice shall be signed by Optionee and shall be delivered in person or by certified mail to the Secretary of the Company or such other authorized representative of the Company. The Exercise Notice shall be accompanied by payment of the Exercise Price, including payment of any applicable withholding tax. No Shares shall be issued pursuant to the exercise of an Option unless such issuance and such exercise comply with all relevant provisions of law and the requirements of any stock exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed. Assuming such compliance, for income tax purposes the Shares shall be considered transferred to Optionee on the date on which the Option is exercised with respect to such Shares.
2.4. Lock-Up Agreement . Optionee hereby agrees that if so requested by the Company or any representative of the underwriters (the “Managing Underwriter”) in connection with any registration of the offering of any securities of the Company under the Securities Act, Optionee shall not sell or otherwise transfer any Shares or other securities of the Company during the 180day period (or such longer period as may be requested in writing by the Managing Underwriter and agreed to in writing by the Company) (the “Market Standoff Period”) following the effective date of a registration statement of the Company filed under the Securities Act; provided, however, that such restriction shall apply only to the first registration statement of the Company to become effective under the Securities Act that includes securities to be sold on behalf of the Company to the public in an underwritten public offering under the Securities Act. The Company may impose stoptransfer instructions with respect to securities subject to the foregoing restrictions until the end of such Market Standoff Period and these restrictions shall be binding on any transferee of such Shares. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the 180-day period may be extended for up to such number of additional days as is deemed necessary by the Company or the Managing Underwriter to continue coverage by research analysts in accordance with NASD Rule 2711 or any successor rule.
2.5. Method of Payment . Payment of the Exercise Price shall be by any of the following, or a combination thereof, at the election of the Optionee:
2.5.3. with the consent of the Administrator, a full recourse promissory note bearing interest (at no less than such rate as is a market rate of interest and which then precludes the imputation of interest under the Code), payable upon such terms as may be prescribed by the Administrator and structured to comply with Applicable Laws;
2.5.4. with the consent of the Administrator, surrender of other Shares of Common Stock of the Company which have a Fair Market Value on the date of surrender equal to the Exercise Price of the Shares as to which the Option is being exercised;
2.5.5. with the consent of the Administrator, surrendered Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Option having a Fair Market Value on the date of exercise equal to the aggregate Exercise Price of the Option or exercised portion thereof;
2.5.6. with the consent of the Administrator, property of any kind which constitutes good and valuable consideration;
2.5.7. following the Public Trading Date, with the consent of the Administrator, delivery of a notice that the Optionee has placed a market sell order with a broker with respect to Shares then issuable upon exercise of the Option and that the broker has been directed to pay a sufficient portion of the net proceeds of the sale to the Company in satisfaction of the aggregate Exercise Price; provided, that payment of such proceeds is then made to the Company upon settlement of such sale; أو.
2.5.8. with the consent of the Administrator, any combination of the foregoing methods of payment.
2.6. Restrictions on Exercise . This Option may not be exercised until the Plan has been approved by the stockholders of the Company. If the issuance of Shares upon such exercise or if the method of payment for such Shares would constitute a violation of any applicable federal or state securities or other law or regulation, then the Option may also not be exercised. The Company may require Optionee to make any representation and warranty to the Company as may be required by any applicable law or regulation before allowing the Option to be exercised.
2.7. Termination of Relationship . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider (other than by reason of Optionee’s death or Disability), Optionee may exercise this Option during the Termination Period set out in the Notice of Grant, to the extent the Option was vested on the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider. To the extent that the Option is not vested on the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or if Optionee does not exercise this Option within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.8. Disability of Optionee . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider as a result of his or her Disability, Optionee may exercise the Option to the extent the Option was vested at the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, but only within twelve (12) months from such date (and in no event later than the expiration date of the term of this Option as set forth in the Notice of Grant). To the extent that the Option is not vested at the date on which Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider, or if Optionee does not exercise such Option within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.9. Death of Optionee . If Optionee ceases to be a Service Provider as a result of the death of Optionee, the vested portion of the Option may be exercised at any time within twelve (12) months following the date of death (and in no event later than the expiration date of the term of this Option as set forth in the Notice of Grant) by Optionee’s estate or by a person who acquires the right to exercise the Option by bequest or inheritance. To the extent that the Option is not vested on the date of death, or if the Option is not exercised within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.
2.10. Non-Transferability of Option . This Option may not be transferred in any manner except by will or by the laws of descent or distribution. It may be exercised during the lifetime of Optionee only by Optionee. The terms of this Option shall be binding upon the executors, administrators, heirs, successors and assigns of the Optionee.
2.11. Term of Option . This Option may be exercised only within the term set out in the Notice of Grant.
2.12. Restrictions on Shares . Optionee hereby agrees that Shares purchased upon the exercise of the Option shall be subject to such terms and conditions as the Administrator shall determine in its sole discretion, including, without limitation, restrictions on the transferability of Shares, and a right of first refusal in favor of the Company with respect to permitted transfers of Shares. Such terms and conditions may, in the Administrator’s sole discretion, be contained in the Exercise Notice with respect to the Option or in such other agreement as the Administrator shall determine and which the Optionee hereby agrees to enter into at the request of the Company.
2.13. Corporate Transactions . If the Company undergoes an Acquisition, then any surviving corporation or entity or acquiring corporation or entity, or affiliate of such corporation or entity, may assume any Awards outstanding under the Plan or may substitute similar stock awards (including an award to acquire the same consideration paid to the stockholders in the transaction) for those outstanding under the Plan. In the event any surviving corporation or entity or acquiring corporation or entity in an Acquisition, or affiliate of such corporation or entity, does not assume such Awards or does not substitute similar stock awards for those outstanding under the Plan, then with respect to (i) Awards held by participants in the Plan whose status as a Service Provider has not terminated prior to such event, the vesting of such Awards (and, if applicable, the time during which such awards may be exercised) shall be accelerated and made fully exercisable and all restrictions thereon shall lapse at least ten (10) days prior to the closing of the Acquisition (and the Awards terminated if not exercised prior to the closing of such Acquisition) and (ii) any other Awards outstanding under the Plan, such Awards shall be terminated if not exercised prior to the closing of the Acquisition.
2.14.1. Generally . Optionee shall, if required by the Administrator, enter into an election with the Company or a Subsidiary (in a form approved by the Company) under which any liability to the Company’s (or a Subsidiary’s) Tax Liability, including, but not limited to, National Insurance Contributions (“NICs”) and the Fringe Benefit Tax (“FBT”), is transferred to and met by Optionee. For purposes of this Section 13, Tax Liability shall mean any and all liability under non-U. S. applicable laws, rules or regulations from any income tax, the Company’s (or a Subsidiary’s) NICs, FBT or similar liability and the Optionee’s NICs, FBT or similar liability that are attributable to: (A) the grant or exercise of, or any other benefit derived by the Optionee from the Option; (B) the acquisition by Optionee of the Shares on exercise of the Option; or (C) the disposal of any Shares acquired upon exercise of the Option.
2.14.2. Tax Indemnity . Optionee shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Company and any of its Subsidiaries from and against any Tax Liability.
2.14.3. 409A Valutions . In addition, you agree and acknowledge that your rights to any Shares underlying this Option will be earned only as you provide services to the Company over time, that the grant of this Option is not as consideration for services you rendered to the Company prior to your date of hire, and that nothing in this Notice or the attached documents confers upon you any right to continue your employment or consulting relationship with the Company for any period of time, nor does it interfere in any way with your right or the Company’s right to terminate that relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without cause. Also, to the extent applicable, the Exercise Price Per Share has been set in good faith compliance with the applicable guidance issued by the IRS under Section 409A of the Code. However, there is no guarantee that the IRS will agree with the valuation, and by signing below, you agree and acknowledge that the Company shall not be held liable for any applicable costs, taxes, or penalties associated with this Option if, in fact, the IRS were to determine that this Option constitutes deferred compensation under Section 409A of the Code. You should consult with your own tax advisor concerning the tax consequences of such a determination by the IRS.
2.15. Consideration to the Company . In consideration of the grant of Options by the Company, Optionee agrees to render faithful and efficient services to the Company or any Subsidiary. Nothing in the Plan or this Agreement shall confer upon Opionee any right to (a) continue in the employ of the Company or any Subsidiary or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company and its Subsidiaries, which are hereby expressly reserved, to discharge Optionee, if Optionee is an Employee, or (b) continue to provide services to the Company or any Subsidiary or shall interfere with or restrict in any way the rights of the Company or its Subsidiaries, which are hereby expressly reserved, to terminate the services of Optionee, if Optionee is a Consultant, at any time for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in a written agreement between the Company and Optionee.
2.16.1. القانون الذي يحكم . This Agreement and all acts and transactions pursuant hereto and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.
2.16.2. Entire Agreement; Enforcement of Rights . This Agreement, together with the Notice to which this Agreement is attached and the Plan, sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter herein and therein and merges all prior discussions between the parties. Except as contemplated under the Plan, no modification of or amendment to this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights under this Agreement, shall be effective unless in writing signed by the parties to this Agreement. The failure by either party to enforce any rights under this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights of such party.
2.16.3. Severability . If one or more provisions of this Agreement are held to be unenforceable under Applicable Laws, the parties agree to renegotiate such provision in good faith. In the event that the parties cannot reach a mutually agreeable and enforceable replacement for such provision, then (i) such provision shall be excluded from this Agreement, (ii) the balance of this Agreement shall be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and (iii) the balance of this Agreement shall be enforceable in accordance with its terms. (d) Notices. Any notice required or permitted by this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficient upon delivery, when delivered personally or by overnight courier or sent by email or fax (upon customary confirmation of receipt), or forty-eight (48) hours after being deposited in the U. S. mail as certified or registered mail with postage prepaid, addressed to the party to be notified at such party’s address or fax number as set forth on the signature page or as subsequently modified by written notice.
2.16.4. Counterparts . This Option may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute one instrument.
2.16.5. Successors and Assigns. The rights and benefits of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the Company’s successors and assigns. The rights and obligations of Optionee under this Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the Company.
This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one document.
Optionee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Plan and represents that he or she is familiar with the terms and provisions thereof. Optionee hereby accepts this Option subject to all of the terms and provisions hereof. Optionee has reviewed the Plan and this Option in their entirety, has had an opportunity to obtain the advice of counsel prior to executing this Option and fully understands all provisions of the Option. Optionee hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Administrator upon any questions arising under the Plan or this Option. Optionee further agrees to notify the Company upon any change in the residence address indicated below.
Name:[ Company Representative Name ]
Title:[ Representative Title ]
Name:[ Optionee Name ]
Address:[ Optionee Address ]
1. Exercise of Option . Effective as of today, [ Date ] the undersigned (“Optionee”) hereby elects to exercise Optionee’s option to purchase [ # Share To Purchase ] shares of the Common Stock (the “Shares”) of [ Name of Company ] a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), under and pursuant to the [ Year of Plan ] Equity Incentive Plan, as amended from time to time (the “Plan”) and the Stock Option Agreement dated [ Date of Option Agreement ] (the “Option Agreement”). Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings given in the Option Agreement.
2. Representations of Optionee . Optionee acknowledges that Optionee has received, read and understood the Plan and the Option Agreement. Optionee agrees to abide by and be bound by their terms and conditions.
3.1. No Voting Rights . Until the stock certificate evidencing Shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of the Option is issued (as evidenced by the appropriate entry on the books of the Company or of a duly authorized transfer agent of the Company), no right to vote or receive dividends or any other rights as a stockholder shall exist with respect to Shares subject to the Option, notwithstanding the exercise of the Option. The Company shall issue (or cause to be issued) such stock certificate promptly after the Option is exercised. No adjustment will be made for a dividend or other right for which the record date is prior to the date the stock certificate is issued, except as provided in the Plan.
3.2. Exercising the Right of First Refusal . Optionee shall enjoy rights as a stockholder until such time as Optionee disposes of the Shares or the Company and/or its assignee(s) exercises the Right of First Refusal (as defined below) hereunder. Upon such exercise, Optionee shall have no further rights as a holder of the Shares so purchased except the right to receive payment for the Shares so purchased in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, and Optionee shall forthwith cause the certificate(s) evidencing the Shares so purchased to be surrendered to the Company for transfer or cancellation.
4. Optionee’s Rights to Transfer Shares.
4.1. Company’s Right of First Refusal . Before any Shares held by Optionee or any permitted transferee (each, a “Holder”) may be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated, transferred, or otherwise disposed of (each, a “Transfer”), the Company or its assignee(s) shall have a right of first refusal to purchase the Shares proposed to be Transferred on the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 4 (the “Right of First Refusal”).
4.1.1. Notice of Proposed Transfer . In the event any Holder desires to Transfer any Shares, the Holder shall deliver to the Company a written notice (the “Notice”) stating: (w) the Holder’s bona fide intention to sell or otherwise Transfer such Shares; (x) the name of each proposed purchaser or other transferee (“Proposed Transferee”); (y) the number of Shares to be Transferred to each Proposed Transferee; and (z) the bona fide cash price or other consideration for which the Holder proposes to Transfer the Shares (the “Offered Price”), and the Holder shall offer such Shares at the Offered Price to the Company or its assignee(s).
4.1.2. Exercise of Right of First Refusal . Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice, the Company and/or its assignee(s) may elect in writing to purchase all, but not less than all, of the Shares proposed to be Transferred to any one or more of the Proposed Transferees. The purchase price shall be determined in accordance with Section 4(a)(iii) hereof.
4.1.3. Purchase Price . The purchase price (“Purchase Price”) for the Shares repurchased under this Section 4 shall be the Offered Price. If the Offered Price includes consideration other than cash, the cash equivalent value of the non-cash consideration shall be determined by the Board in good faith.
4.1.4. دفع . Payment of the Purchase Price shall be made, at the option of the Company or its assignee(s), in cash (by check), by cancellation of all or a portion of any outstanding indebtedness of the Holder to the Company (or, in the case of repurchase by an assignee, to the assignee), or by any combination thereof within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Notice or in the manner and at the times mutually agreed to by the Company and the Holder.
4.1.5. Holder’s Right to Transfer . If all of the Shares proposed in the Notice to be Transferred are not purchased by the Company and/or its assignee(s) as provided in this Section 4, then the Holder may sell or otherwise Transfer such Shares to that Proposed Transferee at the Offered Price or at a higher price, provided that such sale or other Transfer is consummated within one hundred twenty (120) days after the date of the Notice and provided further that any such sale or other Transfer is effected in accordance with any applicable securities laws and the Proposed Transferee agrees in writing that the provisions of this Section 4 shall continue to apply to the Shares in the hands of such Proposed Transferee. If the Shares described in the Notice are not Transferred to the Proposed Transferee within such 120-day period, a new Notice shall be given to the Company, and the Company and/or its assignees shall again be offered the Right of First Refusal as provided herein before any Shares held by the Holder may be sold or otherwise Transferred.
4.2. Exception for Certain Family Transfers . Anything to the contrary contained in this Section 4 notwithstanding, the Transfer of any or all of the Shares during the Optionee’s lifetime or upon the Optionee’s death by will or intestacy to the Optionee’s Immediate Family or a trust for the benefit of the Optionee’s Immediate Family shall be exempt from the Right of First Refusal. As used herein, “Immediate Family” shall mean spouse, lineal descendant or antecedent, father, mother, brother or sister or stepchild (whether or not adopted). In such case, the transferee or other recipient shall receive and hold the Shares so Transferred subject to the provisions of this Section 4 (including the Right of First Refusal) and there shall be no further Transfer of such Shares except in accordance with the terms of this Section 4.
4.3. Termination of Right of First Refusal . The Right of First Refusal shall terminate as to all Shares upon a sale of Common Stock of the Company to the general public pursuant to a registration statement filed with and declared effective by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (a “Public Offering”).
5. Transfer Restrictions . Any transfer or sale of the Shares is subject to restrictions on transfer imposed by any applicable state and federal securities laws. Any Transfer or attempted Transfer of any of the Shares not in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including the Right of First Refusal provided in this Agreement, shall be void and the Company may enforce the terms of this Agreement by stop transfer instructions or similar actions by the Company and its agents or designees.
6. Tax Consultation . Optionee understands that Optionee may suffer adverse tax consequences as a result of Optionee’s purchase or disposition of the Shares. Optionee represents that Optionee has consulted with any tax consultants Optionee deems advisable in connection with the purchase or disposition of the Shares and that Optionee is not relying on the Company for any tax advice.
7. Investment Representations . In connection with the purchase of the Shares, the Optionee represents to the Company the following.
7.1.1. Optionee is aware of the Company’s business affairs and financial condition and has acquired sufficient information about the Company to reach an informed and knowledgeable decision to acquire the Shares. Optionee is purchasing these securities for investment for his or her own account only and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any “distribution” thereof within the meaning of the Securities Act or under any applicable provision of state law. Optionee does not have any present intention to transfer the Shares to any person or entity.
7.1.2. Optionee understands that the Shares have not been registered under the Securities Act by reason of a specific exemption therefrom, which exemption depends upon, among other things, the bona fide nature of Optionee’s investment intent as expressed herein.
7.1.3. Optionee further acknowledges and understands that the securities must be held indefinitely unless they are subsequently registered under the Securities Act or an exemption from such registration is available. Optionee further acknowledges and understands that the Company is under no obligation to register the securities. Optionee understands that the certificate(s) evidencing the securities will be imprinted with a legend which prohibits the transfer of the securities unless they are registered or such registration is not required in the opinion of counsel for the Company.
7.1.4. Optionee is familiar with the provisions of Rules 144 and 701, each promulgated under the Securities Act, which, in substance, permit limited public resale of “restricted securities” acquired, directly or indirectly, from the issuer of the securities (or from an affiliate of such issuer), in a non-public offering subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. Optionee understands that the Company provides no assurances as to whether he or she will be able to resell any or all of the Shares pursuant to Rule 144 or Rule 701, which rules require, among other things, that the Company be subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, that resales of securities take place only after the holder of the Shares has held the Shares for certain specified time periods, and under certain circumstances, that resales of securities be limited in volume and take place only pursuant to brokered transactions. Notwithstanding this paragraph (d), Optionee acknowledges and agrees to the restrictions set forth in paragraph (e) below.
7.1.5. Optionee further understands that in the event all of the applicable requirements of Rule 144 or 701 are not satisfied, registration under the Securities Act, compliance with Regulation A, or some other registration exemption will be required; and that, notwithstanding the fact that Rules 144 and 701 are not exclusive, the Staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission has expressed its opinion that persons proposing to sell private placement securities other than in a registered offering and otherwise than pursuant to Rule 144 or 701 will have a substantial burden of proof in establishing that an exemption from registration is available for such offers or sales, and that such persons and their respective brokers who participate in such transactions do so at their own risk.
7.1.6. Optionee understands that Optionee may suffer adverse tax consequences as a result of Optionee’s purchase or disposition of the Shares. Optionee represents that Optionee has consulted any tax consultants Optionee deems advisable in connection with the purchase or disposition of the Shares and that Optionee is not relying on the Company for any tax advice.
8. Restrictive Legends and StopTransfer Orders.
8.1. Legends . Optionee understands and agrees that the Company shall cause the legends set forth below or legends substantially equivalent thereto, to be placed upon any certificate(s) evidencing ownership of the Shares together with any other legends that may be required by state or federal securities laws:
8.2. StopTransfer Notices . Optionee agrees that, in order to ensure compliance with the restrictions referred to herein, the Company may issue appropriate “stop transfer” instructions to its transfer agent, if any, and that, if the Company transfers its own securities, it may make appropriate notations to the same effect in its own records.
8.3. Refusal to Transfer . The Company shall not be required (i) to transfer on its books any Shares that have been sold or otherwise transferred in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or (ii) to treat as owner of such Shares or to accord the right to vote or pay dividends to any purchaser or other transferee to whom such Shares shall have been so transferred.
9. No Employment Rights . Nothing in this Agreement shall affect in any manner whatsoever the right or power of the Company, or a parent or subsidiary of the Company, to terminate Purchaser’s employment or consulting relationship, for any reason, with or without cause.
10.1. Successors and Assigns . The Company may assign any of its rights under this Agreement to single or multiple assignees, and this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Company. Subject to the restrictions on transfer herein set forth, this Agreement shall be binding upon Optionee and his or her heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns.
10.2. Interpretation . Any dispute regarding the interpretation of this Agreement shall be submitted by Optionee or by the Company forthwith to the Company’s Board of Directors or committee thereof that is responsible for the administration of the Plan (the “Administrator”), which shall review such dispute at its next regular meeting. The resolution of such a dispute by the Administrator shall be final and binding on the Company and on Optionee.
10.3. Governing Law; Severability . This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware excluding that body of law pertaining to conflicts of law. Should any provision of this Agreement be determined by a court of law to be illegal or unenforceable, the other provisions shall nevertheless remain effective and shall remain enforceable.
10.4. Notices . Any notice required or permitted hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be deemed effectively given upon personal delivery or upon deposit in the United States mail by certified mail, with postage and fees prepaid, addressed to the other party at its address as shown below beneath its signature, or to such other address as such party may designate in writing from time to time to the other party.
10.5. Delivery of Payment . The Optionee herewith delivers to the Company the full Exercise Price for the Shares, as well as any applicable withholding tax.
10.6. Entire Agreement . The Plan and Option Agreement are incorporated herein by reference. This Agreement, the Plan, the Option Agreement and the Investment Representation Statement constitute the entire agreement of the parties and supersede in their entirety all prior undertakings and agreements of the Company and Optionee with respect to the subject matter hereof.
Optionee represents that he or she has read this Agreement and is familiar with its terms and provisions. Optionee hereby agrees to accept as binding, conclusive and final all decisions or interpretations of the Board or other administrator of the Plan upon any questions arising under this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Stock Option Exercise Agreement is deemed made as of the date first set forth above.
Name:[ Comapny Representative Name ]
Title:[ Representative Title ]
Name:[ Optionee Name ]
Address:[ Optionee Address ]
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The Fuller Family: Meet Sloan Levett.
As a Partner at Fuller Landau and President of our Family Office Services group, Sloan Levett is an established authority on wealth advisory strategy for high net-worth individuals and their families. His proactive and results-oriented approach to service has made…
The Fuller Family: Meet Ellis Orlan, Co-Leader of our Business Enterprise Solutions Team.
Meet Ellis Orlan, a Principal at Fuller Landau LLP, and Co-Leader of our thriving Business Enterprise Solutions Team (BEST). Although Ellis is one of the newer members of our leadership team, he comes to us with many years of experience…
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